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Quotes About Rey:

"The good thing about Rey is he hasn't let his offense affect his defense. That says a lot about a professional." Roberto Alomar

"This kid is smooth. He's everything he was billed as. How many times have they said about somebody, `He's the next Ozzie Smith?' How about 30 times? Well, I'd have to say this guy is the second coming of me." Ozzie Smith

"He's got these insticts you can't teach," Ozzie Smith

"Rey's the best defensive shortstop in the game," Cookie Rojas

"The guy is the second coming of Ozzie Smith, definitely in my mind," Mike Piazza

"He's the best I've ever seen, period," Robin Ventura

"He is almost like two people. He is almost like having two people at short," Robin Ventura

"Everybody knew before [how good Rey Ordonez was], but obviously you take things for granted when you see him every day," Robin Ventura

Quotes by Rey:

From Rey's game saving catch vs. the Cubs in April:

"It started out at first base and came back. Somebody had to catch the ball. I never saw a ball like this before. Man, it’s high!" Rey Ordonez

"Play good play hard, go to the world series. That's what it's all about." Rey Ordonez

After changing his number from 0 to 10

"[I] didn't want to be nothing anymore" Rey Ordonez

"This is a good city [New York] to play in when you win. When you lose, it's tough." Rey Ordonez

After the 2002 trade

"In New York, it's really hard to play, but I'm very happy I played [there]. They hold a very high standard in New York. You have to play perfect all the time. There's no room for error. I understand that, but everything can't be fine all the time. This is a new chance. A new start."