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Goot Fuwn Conversashweowns and bag owf chaips

This page will randomly contain ranting written by busboy and other special guests. Here is this week's not so funny talk:Bardock03: r u in jj1link's dbz rpg? goSaintsorgoHome: no goSaintsorgoHome: CRAIP! Bardock03: wanna join? goSaintsorgoHome: shwath ais thais? Bardock03: y r u speaking russian? Bardock03: ? goSaintsorgoHome: ohhh, you are making fouwn owf acksainth? Bardock03: it is russian right? goSaintsorgoHome: noooo goSaintsorgoHome: arabia Bardock03: ok Bardock03: ah Bardock03: just a guess Bardock03: since u hav zangeif goSaintsorgoHome: yais Ganzeef ais paimp with laidees Bardock03: hes a pimp with ladies? goSaintsorgoHome: paimp goSaintsorgoHome: yais goSaintsorgoHome: or he stowmps too your faice goSaintsorgoHome: u are much knowaing thais goSaintsorgoHome: he ais creeminawl neenja Bardock03: criminal ninja!? goSaintsorgoHome: twice goSaintsorgoHome: he beats up trounkes or grouwku or gohain anyday owf the tuesday Bardock03: he couldnt beat trunks, goku, or gohan Bardock03: hes a wrestler! goSaintsorgoHome: all four owf thaim goSaintsorgoHome: at wounce Bardock03: lol goSaintsorgoHome: with wone arms goSaintsorgoHome: aind baig owf chaips goSaintsorgoHome: he also krouwsh powlaice cowps Bardock03: thats great goSaintsorgoHome: no goSaintsorgoHome: a little

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