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Safe in the Hand That Holds Me

Safe in the hand that holds me,

and when I fall,

I've not far to go.

Safe in the hand that holds me,

I will be strong,

He is my rock.

Safe in the hand that holds me,

I will not faint,

He holds me up.

Safe in the hand that holds me,

I'll lean on Him,

who is my strength.

Safe in the hand that holds me,

I have a sheild

He blocks all blows.

I'm safe in the hand that holds me,

I will not fear,

I'm safe I know.


"Safe in the Hand That Holds Me" - Jaime Leigh

Location - CT

Date of Composition - Unknown

Date Posted On Site - September 4th, 2000

Known The Lord - since June 16th 1999

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