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Looking for infomation and homeschooling support in Northwest Connecticut? You've come to the right place!

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This page is currently under construction. For now it is just here to provide you with a means to contact our group for advice and support.

Stop back soon for more great content and resources.

If you homeschool in Northwest Connecticut, or you're just interested in homeschooling, you have come to the right place. Share your questions and insights with over one hundred other homeschooling families in Northwest Connecticut. Our mission is to assist homeschooling familes. For information on support group meetings, curriculum, home schooling legal issues, field trips, classes, and a whole lot more, contact us at:

Homeschooling your children may be the best decision you will ever make. Get good information from people who have shared your concerns and experiences.

Drop us a line. We can help!
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This page was last edited on February 28, 2004.