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The Shrine of Bob

Bob is a Goddess who sprang into being due to the insanity of a wizard named Boris(one of my characters). One day he decided it would be a good idea to start telling people to worship some made up god, and Bob was the first name that popped into his head. No one would expect Bob to be a female name, so he decided that Bob would be a goddess. Of course, at the time it was all imagination, a lie that he came up with. But, due to his insanity he started to actually believe there was such a goddess, and over time became sure of it. This genuine belief caused the goddess to spring into being, as well as several other creatures which Boris associated with Bob, just because. These are monki-rats, creatures which follow the commands of Bob, and flying monki-rats, which are sworn enemies to all that is Bob. They follow no god.

Bob's holy symbol was determined by Boris during a battle with pirates on the ocean. They were shooting arrows at him so he pulled one out of the boat's deck and proceeded to carve "In Bob we Trust" upon the arrow. He then gave the arrow to one of the ship's archers, while invisible. It flew straight and true to its target, and Boris gained his first human follower of Bob until a few minutes later when he was slain, becoming Bob's 1st martyr. His name is unknown, his tomb-the ocean. Anyway, the arrow became the symbol of Bob. Now Boris can make Bob's symbol out of any arrow, and while it might have any real power, he will think it will, which is good enough for him. Other followers of Bob on the other hand must construct their symbol of Bob out of more unique materials to gain powers beyond their basic spells. These powers are not yet determined; make them up yourselves!(Remember, if you think you can do something, you probaby can't.) The materials for this symbol are a shaft carved from a living treant(watch out, they get irritable), fletching made from goat feathers, and an arrow head made from a meteorite dipped in flying monki-rat blood.

Further Practices:Now that Boris has gotten into some more craziness I can finally add some more here.(Plus I got some weird ideas from being in the frame of mind to play him, so...) Bob's chosen ones, or the so called high priests (Boris aside of course) are to be changed into the holy form of the goat by Bob(Boris). They will have a comfortable place in each temple of Bob, and have their every need cared for. It is said that true believers can recieve the word of Bob through these goats(or of course Boris), and that anything they say is to be followed without question. Of course there is plenty of room for interpretation... There are currently no such high priests as Boris does not have a polymorph spell and only has one follower who is in the realm of the living.

Further, any goat with shifty eyes who was not originally a human can be considered a messenger of Bob. The violent death of such a goat is a bad omen, and cause for mourning.

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