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Lost in a World of Their Own

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...And straight ahead we have a picture of the whole Neathra bunch...
Good Afternoon! You should be outside, not on the computer all day...

Visit my Shryne page, a memorial for Nicholas Philip O'Neill who was killed in the West Warrick Station Night Club Fire.
(RIP Nicky 1-28-85 - 2-20-03)

I have started a new story!!! ::horror music fills the air:: AND... I won't lose this one... I'm typing it, and writing it, and puting it here... if I manage to lose it, we have a problem...
*Small update...Huston we have a problem.... I lost the notebook I was writing in, and the disk wasn't as far as the notebook
*small update #2... I Found The Notebook! yay :D it was in the middle of the floor in the bandroom.... (I don't think I left it there...) anyway, it's back and I'm still adding to the site, what I have here is only about half of the notebook's contents at this point...(I am also continually writing the story... ::more horror music:: this will be a looong

*Not quite as small but still fairly small update...(update 3)... I am adding pictures of all of my characters to the site...
(If your picture is on here, and you don't want it on here or have one you'd rather I use, e-mail me or what ever and I'll make any necessary adjustments.)

*UPDATE #4!! (*applause*) We're making a movie! we're making a movie!! lol... find out more here:
Lost in a World, The Movie

All right... enough small talk let me tell you about the story now...

In the small town of East Providence, a group of kids lived. They were your average high school students, ranging from 9th to 12th grade. They were into your average stuff... music, magick, ghosts... you know, the stuff every high school student should be interested in...

oh yeah... you wanna read the story huh? here: The Story

List of Characters

Confused? Need help with pronounciations of names and words? Click Here! (more to be added soon)


Bonlilika (Bonnie)
Cameron (Hawk)
George (Haaly) mentioned in "The Plan"

Wow.. haven't touched this in a while... well anyway, we're working on the screen play, we have a camera that we could use but it's a bit later to start filming...

Let the trumpets sound!!! I have finished typing! All 61 notebook pages fit into 7 pages on here, and it's finished! ..well read on, let me know what you think.. ~*¤Talika¤*~

In case you didn't know, Jex wants to turn my story into a movie, he has a page for the movie... (which will be shot when "someone"(not mentioning any names... (Jex....)) gets a DV camera, anyway, to see Jex's Lost in a World movie page, click here to see it.
(If you were really wondering we don't have the camera... (well there is one we can use though, but it's not ours...) but anyway, as soon as I get this thing written we're filming)

Ok, like this will do you any good here, but if angelfire is down, this site can also be seen at'll try to keep them equally updated... (ha ha yeah right...))

To e-mail me, Talika, click here

And now for something compleatly different...

*This story is based on real people, all names have however been changed. Some of the events in this story are based on real ones, though obviously this story did not happen, This story is based on the beliefs (and disbeliefs) of the people in it.

Dont't forget to check out The plans for LIAWOTO 2 and 3!!

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Hey! one more thing! Check out these sites I found...
Adopt an Earth Dragon

Yatta! (actually i didn't find this one, Ayslid did, but it's really catchy and i had to put it here)

Sign the Petition to save Invader Zim! On January 17th Nickelodeon canceled the best show ever!
"This is my favorite show!" "I like this show!"


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