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Links 2001 Downloads

Links 2001Downloads

Currently Under Heavy Construction
This page will be under construction until I get some downloads from Links 2001 as will be the case with other Links 2001 sections. Idealy, there will be some saved shots, recorded rounds, and MOPS here. If you have any saved shots, recorded rounds, or mops that you would like to see posted, Email Me. If I do post it, I will give you credit for your shot.
For now, check out the Links 2000 section for current downloads/info.

Last Updated: 09/16/00
Page setup is created..downloads will be added when game becomes available!

**To add the Mops you download, just place the .mop file into your LinksLS-Mop folder. The Mop will then be available for gameplay.
**The Recorded Rounds(.rec) and Saved Shots(.sht) can just be placed into your LinksLS folder to have them available. To view the shots, just goto Options-View SavedShots. You can see what recorded rounds you have by clicking on Recorded Players during the Course Selection screen. This shows a list of recorded players and where they were recorded. You can also select a course, and goto the Player selection screen, and select "Show Recorded Golfers" and they/if any for the selected course will appear at the very bottom of the Player List.

Goto the Saved Shots
Goto the MOPs
Goto the Recorded Rounds

Some Downloads

Here are just some of my own saved shots/recorded rounds/MOPS. If you have any you would like posted send them to me.!!ALL DOWNLOADS are from Links 2001, and will only work with Links 2001!!

To download some .wav files to use during game play, go to My Links LS .wav Download Page

Saved Shots
Saved Shot.shtNo Description available

MOP.mopNo Description available

Recorded Rounds
Round.recNo Description available


Links 2001:
Recent Site Updates/News
Links to other Sites
LS2001 Features
LS2001 Screenshots
VGA Tour Update
Course List/Info
Shot(s)/Round of the Month

LinksLS 2000:
LinksLS 2000 section

PGA Tour/LinksLS Schedule and Stats
My LinksLS Stats
Pictures of Me
LinksLS Features Wishlist
Course Wishlist
Current Weather
My Web Polls
