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Welcome to my web page...

stuff about me: My name is Randy Birkholz. "Birks" to my friends. I Just graduated from Highschool. I'm 18 years old, and i love going to the bar and partyin' it up. 

I listen to all types of music except to pop shit (like bsb or britnay spears) or country, they both blow. I like Rap the best. DMX is the best rapper in the world, and if you don't think so, then this site is not for you. The Ruff Ryderz kick fuckin ass!!!I also listen to punk and other shit. 

I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. If you don't know where that is, ask, I'll tell you. By the way, not all Canadians live inside Igloo's and are Eskimo's.
I am Part of "Tha Kliq" Not a gang or anything, just a group of guys that hang out, and do cool shit together.

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