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Jody Noller

Hello and welcome to my home page. My name is Jody Noller and I reside in Northeast Connecticut. Enjoy the webpage!


My Town:

I live in Putnam, Connecticut and have lived here since 1990. Putnam is a small town in Northeast Connecticut, and is known as "the quiet corner".
There are a few nice restaurants, but Putnam is famous across the country for it's antique district. Click on this area guide to learn more about what's here!
There is alot of really cool things to do in Connecticut..if you take the time to look!  Putnam has a rich history, and a Sunday stroll through the center of town will show you many things, from antiques, to old buildings with interesting architecture,  to the beautiful river trail. 


My Job

I have worked with As400 computers, broadband modems, IBM robotic tape library, Dell and HP personal computers, Norton Antivirus, Domino administration monitoring, IBM Infoprint 2000, Dell servers, Windows XP SP2, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, and monitor my company's computer systems and networks.


My Home

I am a single dad and live in a nice three bedroom ranch in a wooded lot on the Putnam/Thompson line. I want to be sure that I show appreciation to my daughter and all creatures..all things, and show gratitude for all the gifts I have in life. I have lived alone many years now since being divorced and get very lonesome, but am confident that one day I will be fortunate enough to be in love again with a special woman. Life is so I live it to the fullest. We recently adopted a beautiful dog from http://www.PoundHounds.Org, and his name is Scooby Doo. He is part Yellow Lab and part Rhodesian Ridgeback. Scoob is a faithful, loyal hound!

My Family

My mother Beverly Engler died when I was only 13 months old. I get very sad when I think of her because I have no conscious memory of her. I wish she was still here..    My dad died in 1997 and was a really good father, and he taught me to be honest, always do your best each day, and to live life as fully and as passionately as posssible. His death from cancer made me realize how important it is to eat healthily, exercise, and take care of the body/mind/spirit.  I believe life's challenges always happen for a reason..and although the reasons may not aren't always clear at first...eventually the answers come to us and we learn from the experience and hopefully our spirit grows from it as well. 

Favourite Places

Some of my favourite places are so beautiful!  I love the White Mountains in New Hampshire.  In the Fall..the foliage turns to blazing orange, scarlet, gold, crimson and violet. The White Mountain National Forest is truly one of the beauties of New England. The Old Man of the Mountains fell from the cliffs of Cannon Mountain in Franconia NH in Spring 2003. He is sadly missed by all who came to view him! I remember seeing him as a young boy and recall the great wonder and awe I felt the first time I saw him perched at the cliffs! My daughter loves Ogunquit Maine, with it's famous Maine Diner..Perkins cove...and lodging at Juniper Hill.



Art courteousy of Aeoliah

Art courteousy of Aeoliah


I have alot of hobbies!  One of the most important hobbies/interests of mine is studying alternative medicine and holistic alternatives. I've been primarily vegetarian for over 34 years now, and prior to that was into Health Food for 17 years. I've been studing homeopathy for about 20 years now...and also study naturopathic medicine, and aromatherapy. I will provide favorite links to them further down on my home page. Naturopathic medicine is what I mostly adhere to in my life, because it encompasses homeopathy, natural diet, herbs, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, and much more. Homeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine that stimulates the immune forces of the body/soul for actual healing and cure, as opposed to conventional (allopathic) medicine which palliates symptoms, and does not actually cure or get to the root of the cause of illness. To me, the best medicine would be a marriage between the two. Homeopathic medicine can be made from minerals, plants, and even animal products. Naturopathics goes a step futher, utilizing homeopathy and herbal tinctures, herbal supplements, vitamins, minerals, holistic diets, aromatherapy..etc. It is my #choice for staying healthy! Common sense, such as regular exercise, pure water, healthy foods, and very importantly too is taking care of the spirit needs as well.  I find that yoga, meditation, Reiki,  and fresh air are wonderful for keeping the entire being healthy....although sometimes I do not always do's always in the back of my mind! In January 2002 my daughter and I started Tang Soo Do Martial Arts! This is the finest gift we have received in awhile! Tang Soo Do is awesome! We are currently Green Belts..Black Belts one day! Favourite Movies: Death of a superhero, Cast Away, Simple Twist of Fate, The Christmas Story, A Christmas Carol, On Golden Pond, Chariots of Fire, SomeWhere In Time, Titanic, Big (Tom Hanks), The Time Machine (1961), Robinson Crusoe on Mars, Apollo 13, Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Road to Avonlea, Wind At My back, Anne the Continuing Story (Megan Follows in wonderful!) 2001, 2010, Home Alone, Always, Curse of the Jade Scorpion, Only The Lonely..BIG Star Trek Fan..and many more!  



My Resume

My resume can be viewed by going to:

Favorite Links

This is probably my favorite part of the web page!!  Here I get to give you my favorite places on the web..places that have great meaning to me and also places that I just plain enjoy! A bit further down you will find the hyperlinks. I hope you enjoy them!  


Perennial plants are an example of reincarnation that we see in our everyday lives. The "body" of the plant that we see dies in winter, but the root (analogous to the human soul) still lives..and each spring a new plant is born. The root still lives under the soil in winter, but in spring a new plant is born from the original root. (Rudolf Steiner)


Rudolf Steiner in early 1900's

Sephirot Symbol

Kabbalistic Symbol from the Sefer Yetzira

Ayin- The Great Nothingness and Infinity

Reincarnation and Angels 

were a part of Steiner's 

Anthroposophical views 

Steiner's ideas spanned Earth 

and the entire universe



How to Contact Me:

My email address is:


This web page is owned and maintained by Jody Noller. 

This Page was last modified on 05/06/2012

Copyright 2012 by Jody Noller. All rights reserved

"The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books---a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects.- Albert Einstein"

"It is not the end of the physical body that should worry us. Rather, our concern must be to live while we're alive -- to release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are." ~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. " ~The Rumi


In late Summer of 2004, I nearly died. It was a cool, rainy morning and I had to climb up on my roof because the gutters were clogged and water was flowing into the soffits of the attic. The rain was torrential- and I should have had enough common sense to wait until it stopped. When I finished clearing the gutters and stepped down onto the aluminum ladder, the bottom slipped out and I fell backwards, with the ladder feet slamming into the rear of the deck. To this day, I do not know how it happened, but my right ankle shot forward and was lodged between the front and rear ladder rungs when I started to fall. Naturally, my ankle being stuck between the rungs stopped me from falling at a height of 12 feet..and I would have landed right onto my neck and spine. But, in the process the ladder "hooks" which join the front and rear sections of the ladder also broke my fall and caused a large gash on my upper left thigh. I was bleeding to death, and was in severe pain due to my right ankle being lodged and basically holding all 165 pounds of me, and I was hanging upside down! I started to feel the icy grip of death all around my body...I was cold, and getting more numb by the minute and started to feel like I was going to lose consciousness. Luckily my daughter was home and immediately called 911. She also climbed up the ladder as best she could and held my back up so I would not pass out, while my blood saturated her clothing. . When the fire department and paramedics lowered the ladder off the roof with me hanging there..they could not belive that my ankle (which is about 3.5" wide- slid between rungs that were 2" wide. A paramedic and fireman looked at me while they were getting me on the ambulance and one said "It's a miracle that your ankle slipped between the rungs and stopped your fall-in fact, it seems impossible that your ankle fit in there in the first place." When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the doctor gave me lots of stitches and said I was in shock, was hypothermic, and would have been dead within 2 hours had my daughter not been home. The scary part is I had been going on my roof all the time by myself when my daughter was not home The attending doctor in the Er told me that I had a 1 in 5 chance of living. Pretty far odds..but I beat them with my daughter's help. My daughter has been recognized in my town as a Heroine. And she is. She was brave in the worst of times and I am so proud of her. The next day it was very cool and foggy outside. All bandaged up, bruised, and wobbly..I hobbled out to my deck to see the new day- feeling very lucky to be alive. I inhaled a deep breath of the cool air, feeling exhalted and mystified to still be alive. I then looked skyward- to see mist and fog swirling all about. Then the sun started to burn through...and I saw something..and I shot the picture you see below. Any messages from the beyond?? I think I was being sent a message from my dad with this glowing "Heart of Light" -JNoller Summer 2004************ Photograph by Jody Noller

Stars scribble on our eyes the frosty sagas, The gleaming cantos of unvanquished space- Hart Crane


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