
It's beginning to look a lot like CURSEMAS... Sometimes, the holiday season isn't as joyous as it is cracked up to be. Depression, anger, hatred of the world seep in, and ruin what could be an otherwise happy holiday of feasting and such. Our solution, brought to you by the fevered mind of Bob, Lord of the Pants, is CURSEMAS.

That's right, Cursemas. You see, for the day before the day before Christmas (Christmas' Eve Eve, if you will), all JELLO Brothers are capable of putting small voodoo curses on people, which last that day. What a spectacular way to chase away those blues and get back at all those rat bastards who ruin your good cheer.

Be warned, the curses only work on this day. Be wary of that blasted judgmental elf too. And watch out for the evil Nazi elves too, they stab crotches.