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Figure Painting

For each model you will need:
  • Assembled Figure
  • Undercoat
  • Paints
  • High quality paint brushes
  • Inks (optional, they can be made from paint)
  • Water
  • Paper towel
  • Mixing surface
  • Clear varnish
  • Modelling sand
  • PVA glue
Follow these steps to paint your model:
  1. Undercoat the figure with either white or black undercoat.
    • Black should be used for figures with darker colours or a lot of armour.
    • White should be used for figures with bright colours.
    • Undercoat can be bought in a spray can or regular paint container. You choose which one you like most.
  2. Paint the figure in the method you like best.
    • From the inner layers of clothing to outer layers.
    • Larger areas to smaller areas.
    • Light colours to dark coulors.
  3. Highlight and shade using drybrushing and inks.
    • Drybrushing to highlight
      1. Put a colour of paint, that is lighter than the one you are highlighting, on your brush.
      2. Wipe your brush on papertowel or newspaper until little or no paint comes off the brush.
      3. Lightly drag your brush over the surface you want to highlight.
      4. The paint will only show up on raised areas of the model giving the effect of highlighting.
    • Using inks to shade
      1. Use a colour of ink that is darker than the area you want to shade.
      2. To make an ink, add water to the colour of paint you are going to use as a shade.
      3. Paint the area with the ink
      4. Paint will flow into the recessed areas of the model giving the effect of shadows.
  4. Glue modelling sand to the base with PVA glue.
  5. Paint the base Goblin Green and highlight and shade as desired.
  6. Once the paint has dried, spray the figure with clear varnish so the paint doesn't come off when the figure is handled.