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Magic Items

Star Lance (magic weapon): Counts as a lance and hits automatically on the turn it charges. 80 pts

Blade of Sea Gold (magic weapon): +2A. 50 pts

Blade of Darting Steel (magic weapon): All hits that strike the target wound automatically. Armour saves are modified by the strength of the bearer. 75 pts

Armour of Protection (magic armour): Counts as wearing armour (6+ armour save). Gives the wearer a 4+ ward save. 50 pts

Golden Crown of Atrazar (talisman): Discount the first wound suffered. One use only. 50 pts

Amulet of Fire (talisman): The Amulet of Fire gives its wearer 1 extra dispel dice against spells that affect him or the unit he is with. 20 pts

Radiant Gem of Hoeth (enchanted item): The wearer counts as a level 1 wizard. However, the bearer may cast his spell whilst wearing armour. 50 pts

War Crown of Saphery (arcane item): The wearer knows 1 more spell than normal for his level. Note that this is not an additional level. 20 pts

Sigil of Asuryan (arcane item): Automatically dispels one enemy spell. In addition, roll a D6. On a 4+ the spell is destroyed and the casting wizard cannot use it for the remainder of the battle. One use only. 50 pts

Banner of Caledor (magic banner): Unit cannot be affected at all by Death magic. However, the spell itself is not dospelled. 25 pts