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Stephanie Sanchez and The Greenwich Time

Nothing typifies the bizarreness of the Greenwich Time's coverage of the local political scene more than their treatment of former Selectwoman Stephanie Sanchez.

A few years ago the paper obsessed on her alleged romantic relationship with a certain substantially older individual from a working-class part of town. The paper's editors acted like gossip columnists, except they didn't appear to be enjoying themselves -- they appeared more like jilted suitors.

Then Stephanie (again, allegedly) splits up from the "boyfriend" and the Greenwich Time looks ridiculous by falling all over themselves implying that she would make a great congresswoman. Here is a woman who essentially flunked out of the Board of Selectman. She very nearly won the top spot on the board two years ago. She is an avowed career politician, and she spent all of her two-year term grandstanding and apparently campaigning for the next election. Yet, to discerning eyes, including those within her own Democrat party, she was fumbling throughout, and she is passed over for the Democrat nomination for first selectman. Yet the Greenwich Time mentions none of this. They just wax poetic about her future prospects in higher office.

Either Greenwich Time has so little respect for the political process that they genuinely feel that high political office should be filled by those who don't make the grade in lower office, or they lost their perspective while covering this personable young woman.