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Are you my dream guy?

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Hello men! In the quest to find the perfect guy, I originally had the idea to make up a checklist, for my own personal use. Then I decided to make this quiz. I wonder if there is actually a guy out there that comes close to being what I’d want or if I’m just insane. Anyways, take the quiz and answer honestly! The first part is multiple choice and includes some general questions and some hypothetical situations. You will be awarded one, two, three or four points depending on whether your answer agrees with what I’m looking for (four for the answer I like the most). The second part is simply a checklist. Put a check if you can answer yes to the question. This part allows for you to earn/lose points. Email me your answers (number and letter, and for the second part number and yes or no). I'll let you know your score. Have fun and p.s. I know you didn’t read these instructions…it’s a known fact…people don’t read directions! Gotcha!

1. Your hair is best described as
a. Short or buzzed
b. very curly
c. medium in length, and styled with gel
d. long and untouched

2. It’s the weekend, and I want to watch TV…only
sports are on…what should we flip on?
a. baseball
b. football
c. hockey
d. basketball

3. I want to play PS2. What should we play?
a. take turns shooting people in Vice City
b. Britney, 2 player so I can kick your ass
c. any kind of racing game so you can kick my ass
d. Tetris

4. We have a date planned for 8 o’clock. I call
and say I’m running late. You…
a. make a bitchy comment and give me some extra time
b. assume it’s because I’m making myself very pretty
for you so don’t let it bother you
c. say it’s okay but drop comments later to bust my balls
d. tell me to forget about going out

5. We just finished an amazing sex session. It’s now
time to…
a. eat
b. sleep
c. snuggle
d. go home

6. We got into a huge fight. The best way that you
could fix things is… (besides the
expected make up sex
a. a simple “I’m sorry”
b. send me flowers
c. leave a sweet voice message on my cell
d. take me out on a fancy date

7. When you get out of school, you plan on…
a. finding the job in which you’ll make the most money
and have good benefits
b. choose the job that makes you happy despite a low
c. “Work? I’m allergic” – you say
d. work ten jobs just so I wouldn’t have to work at all

8. When you think of the word woman, the things that
most quickly come to mind are…
a. sex
b. equal to men
c. kitchen
d. outspoken

9. Your dream car is…
a. a hot little sports car (i.e. vette)
b. something pricey (BMW or Mercedes)
c. a big burly truck
d. an SUV for off-roading

10. Tell me the female body part that most turns you
on/is most important to you
a. boobs
b. ass
c. legs
d. smile

11. I wanna get away for awhile. Where should we go?
a. a tropical island
b. Disneyworld
c. camping
d. a Bed and Breakfast somewhere up north

12. If you were my guy you’d think it’s _____ that all
my friends are guys.
a. weird
b. fucked (you wanna kill them)
c. okay…eh whatever
d. understandable

13. It’s one of our first dates. Which would best
describe how it should go?
a. you pay
b. I pay
c. we pay our own ways
d. you take it this time, I’ll get it next (or vice

14. Your favorite school subject is…
a. math
b. history
c. foreign language
d. recess

15. I’m depressed about doing badly on a midterm. You
bring me ____ to pig out on.
a. ice cream
b. cake
c. candy
d. chips

16. Your idea of a good Valentine’s Day present is…
a. flowers
b. candy
c. jewelry
d. a romantic dinner out

17. I’m in the car with you and someone cuts us off…
a. you honk your horn to let out frustration
b. remark on how some people have such bad driving
c. give him the finger and shout obscenities
d. speed up and ride his ass and/or cut him off back

18. If you could go back in time and live in any era…
which would it be?
a. the ganster era (20s)
b. the 50s (think Grease)
c. the psychedelic 60s
d. the narly 80s

19. Your favorite kind of movie is…
a. senseless comedy
b. gory war film
c. a chick flick
d. cartoon

20. Your favorite alcoholic beverage is…
a. beer
b. good old mixed drink
c. a shot (of anything)
d. you don’t drink

21. Your favorite kind of tune is…
a. rap
b. ska/punk
c. pop
d. anything, you’re open minded

22. Your favorite season is…
a. winter
b. spring
c. summer
d. fall

23. What would be the perfect date?
a. dinner and a movie
b. a night at home with homecooked food and a rented
c. a rented hotel room for some steamy sex
d. drive to and stroll along the beach

24. It’s breakfast time. What would you like to eat?
a. cereal
b. pancakes
c. eggs, bacon and toast
d. nothing, maybe a piece of fruit

25. What do you think about me making this test?
a. I have way too much time on my hands
b. well at least I know what I want
c. who does this?
d. I’m a silly girl

Check the following if you can answer yes to the
___ I’m Italian
___ I’m in the armed services
___ I want to be a doctor
___ I wear sandals
___ I wear sweaters
___ I play hockey
___ I get along with my family
___ I want a family of my own someday
___ I would buy a Ford
___ I can cook <-more than Easy Mac (although prefer
being cooked for)
___ I want more than three kids
___ I like the state of Connecticut
___ I like the Simpsons
___ I enjoy blow jobs
___ I’m sexually open minded
___ I enjoy cuddling
___ I am aware of what a PDA is and practice the idea
___ I do drugs
___ I sometimes don’t shave and get stubbley
___ I enjoy watching porn
___ I have piercing(s)/tattoo(s)
___ I work out (regularly and HONESTLY)
___ I’m romantic (well I know how I could be if I
___ I’ve been in a physical fight before
___ I drink milk
