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Some Anglo-SaxonTopics

Here are some "show and tell" topics and links on the Anglo-Saxon era.



the Sutton Hoo discovery

maps of Great Britain.

King Arthur King

Alfred of Wessex (the Great)

Julius Caesar/ the Romans in Britain

 the Bayeaux tapestry

 Angles, Saxons, or Jutes in Europe

 Odin, Thor or other elements of Norse mythology

 etymology of the days of the week

 Woden, Thunor, or other elements of the Anglo-Saxon's religion

 animism and the ancient Celtic religion

 early monasteries in Britain

 Old English

 the Indo-European language family


 Viking attacks on Great Britain

 illuminated manuscripts of the time

 Anglo-Saxon weapons and armor

 the Beowulf poet


 and other related topics


Here's the idea behind the "show and tell" assignment: do some informal research in the library or on the web.
Collect a few good images and facts to share with the class. You're not trying to be comprehensive or make yourself an expert; you're just adding a little to what we all bring to the literature.