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Crystal's Homepage

Hi People.

This is me.My name is Crystal or like my mom would say P.I.T.A. I'm 21 years old, bout 5'2, bown hair and eyes.I like to talk on the phone, roller skating, bowling, movies,hang out with friends, playing on the computer. I have brother(19), a half bro(3) and a sis(16) I have MSN, yahoo messanger and AOL IM. MSN- (new) , AOL IM screen name is bratofsunvally , yahoo messanger-megapita85, And my e-mail address is Now everybody knows my email address so you can e-mail me sometime.

My Grandfather passed away 2 days after mothers day May 16 2006.We miss and love u grandpa.

I had a little boy JR(jason after his dad and Robert after my grandfather that passed away) on June 9 2006 at 3:55pm.He was 7 pds 9 oz and 19 inches long.Nobody was at the delivery.

My Daughter was born on August 27 2004 at 4:07am after 27 hours of labor but didnt feel anything for the first 24(so thats a good thing).She was 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long.


This is me after i went to the sportsbar for a drink by myslef..

This is my Son JR when he first rolled over and fell asleep.
This is my daughter Jade being lazy when she woke up at noon..
My sexy lil boy..How are u so damn cute cuz its not from ur father or me??
My 2 lil sexy kids..You guys are so damn cute
My Baby boy again.
Me and my lil brats sitting together.

MORE pictures.

Family Pictures.

Ok -Well this is all for now-But hey....Don't go so fast- don't forget to sign the guestbook.If u have comments or u think i should add something on the web site leave a message in the guestbook so i can add to my page. C-Ya all later. Luv, Crystal

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