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Edinburgh & Leith

County Directory

Roslin, 1842/43

Ainslie, George, farmer, Moat

Ainslie, William, farmer, Ploverhall

Bertram, Alexander, tailor

Blackie, Robert, grocer

Brown, Rev. David, Roslin manse

Brown, David, farmer, Seafield by Roslin

Brown, James, farmer, Pentland mains

Brown, Robt., esq., of Firth

Brunton, Walter, farmer, Mount marl.

Cochrane, John, jun., farmer

Cochrane, Robert, grocer and farmer

Cochrane, William, farmer, New Milton

Crawford, W. & J., farmers, Old Woodhouselee

Cunningham, Thos., farmer, Kirkettle

Dorret, Alexander, farrier

Farquharson, Thos. esq., Janefield cottage

Forester, William, stone merchant

Frier, Matthew, Milton mill

Gilchrist, Mrs., innkeeper, Howgate

Hamilton, John, surgeon

Hay and Merricks, Roslin gunpowder mills

Johnston, Alex., smith

Kitchen, William, cloth merchant

Lattie, James, teacher

Law, William, wright

Mercer, George esq., of Gorthy, Dryden house

Merricks, Hezekiah (Hay & Merricks), Eskhill

Merricks, James (Hay & Merricks), Roslin cottage

Merricks, John (Hay & Merricks), Eskhill

Mitchell, John, farmer, Roslin lee

Munro, Hugh, grocer

Noble, John, farmer, Oatslie

Noble, William, farmer, Howgate

Oughton, Mrs., Roslin inn

Read, Chas., Roslin bleachfield

Stedman, James, farmer, Boghall

Stodart, Lockhart, farmer, Damhead

Tait, John, tailor

Thompson, Peter, smith Auchendinny bridge

Thompson, David, spirit dealer

Wedderburn, Sir David, Baronet, Rosebank

Weir, Robert, wood merchant

Wilkie, Major J., of Easter bush

Wilkie, John, Seafield house

Wilson, Thomas, baker and postmaster

Wright, David, innkeeper