Last Updated -~04-03-01~-

This site is still up, remember that :).

There are 1 chao Resipitent(s)

By|Alias: Sails

My Chao's life

It started on a sunny day when I hatched a regular Chao egg. Out popped a Chao I hoped would become a Light Chaos Chao named Chaos, but…I ended up turning him into a green Gulpo Chao. He was a happy Chao who lived a life of about three months, and then he went to that big Chao Garden in the sky. Anyway like I was saying…he evolved fully and lived a happy life for two weeks and then he cacooned up and turned into an egg. I put a coconut by his egg and hatched him and he lived on happily and became an adult again. Then he once again turned into an egg and this time, I turned him into a Chao that looked like a regular adult Chao with bushy Penguin eyebrows and a Peacock thingy on it’s head. Then I entered the Chao garden one day fed him a buncha’ Lifenuts. Flowers sprouted around it three times and then it turned into an egg. I accidentally threw the egg instead of putting a nut by it and shaking it and he popped out and died. That poor Chao of mine. I miss him but he’s probably having a fun life right now with all the other Angel Chao. I hope to get another Chao just like him some day. That’s all I have for Chao that died right now.


If you'd like to bring your chao into the Sonic Chao Memorial Service(scms) then please send in your Chao's name, your name or aliance, your e-mail address(if you don't want your e-mail address to be added just say so), it's power, fly, run, and swim, how it died, and your description of your chao.Also, you can tell me what he looks like(for instance: green eyes, blue body, spikes etc.).Note: If you do not have some of these options, that's ok, we're here just for you and your chaos'!


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