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Gambit was always an interesting X-Man, like Wolverine he had never quite lost his old ways from before. An ex-member of the New Orleans Thieves Guild, he always seemed to walk on the edge. I love his costume, with the body armor under the trench coat. And he's not afraid to wear some pink either. The bo that telescopes is just too cool, especially when he charges it. And then there's the playing cards...oh, yeah, he's cool. Speakin of his playing cards, somehow those lightweight cards are able to be thrown with pinpoint accuracy at his targets, targets of some distance as well. Has anyone else tried to throw a playing card before? They don't go that far. So, how does he do it? Maybe something in the kinetic energy weights it. I'd have to say that he had the right idea in the Age of Apocalypse storyline where he threw ninja knives and such which were small, weighted, and deadly on their own. But since that wasn't this Gambit, well...

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