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Blink, standing behind a wall of fire, looking ready to fight Blink with the cool eyes showing the use of her power

Clarice Ferguson aka Blink

I was first introduced to Blink in the Age of Apocalypes storyline, and quickly fell in love with her. She was interesting: she looked a bit odd, but in a good way, and she had a neat attitude about her. Also, that teleportation portal thing is a really cool power to have. I loved her relationship with "Mr Creed" aka Sabertooth, who had saved her from Appocalypse when she was a little kid. She hero-worships him, which is a facinating change from the way Sabertooth is looked at in the regular comics. And I like how she hates Gambit, and lets him know it when he's around. I never knew the real Blink, who died on her first adventure as the founding members of Generation X went on some mission, and she saved them all, dying herself. But if she was anything like the AOL Blink, then I think I would have loved her too. And with the way characters don't stay dead (look at Jean Grey for Bob's sake), I think there's a chance she may have managed to 'blink' herself away from death to somewhere else, so that she's just waiting to be written into the books again.

The Links to Fan Pages:
A Blink Fan Page, with Gallery and updates
The Purple Girl: A Blink WebsiteAwesome site dedicated to Blink with lots of fan fic and fanart, plus bios, gallery, and appearances listed
Lavender Darts: The Blink Home Page Huge site devoted to Blink, with gallery, bios, chronology, and lots of other info
Limbo:Page of the Forgotten MutantsGreat Blink bio and some pics

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