Passive, half-asleep, the Pax in his natural habitat

0.1 Px

At an awards ceremony, but still stylishly casual

0.25 Px

Awards ceremony; this time the Pax wears a tux

0.3 Px

Posing as a vampire, the Pax demonstrates his famed wit

0.5 Px

The Pax as Brock Lovett, dashing, romantic ocean guy

0.5 Px

The Pax shows us stoic patriotism. John Wayne, take note

1.0 Px

Show us 'Blue Steel,' Pax!

1.0 Px

Again in a tux, this time showing teeth

1.2 Px

More stoic patriotism, but with a human touch

1.5 Px

The Pax shows he is not above a bit of zany fun

1.5 Px

Private Hudson, ahh, he saved every one of us

2.0 Px

Still stoic, still patriotic, but lighthearted!

2.0 Px

The Pax: What sexy is

2.0 Px

His Buddha-like calm proves irresistable to Charlize Theron

2.5 Px

The dawning realization his powers might not stop a tornado

2.5 Px

Weary and remorseful, the Pax wishes for a better tomorrow

3.0 Px

The Pax as Chief Dale 'Hurricane' Dixon, bastion of good

3.0 Px

Smirking, the Pax orders a hit on one who dares defy him

3.5 Px

Titular line: 'I'm just so tired of all these aliens.'

3.5 Px

Stoically patriotic, but yearning for home

4.0 Px

Few besides the Pax would set themselves on fire for their art

4.0 Px

The Pax acts like a few xenomorphs scare him

4.5 Px

The morally conflicted Pax tries to do what's right

4.5 Px

The Pax, method actor extraordinaire, sucks the blood out of a cow to prepare for his role in 'Near Dark'

5.0 Px

The Pax shows extreme pants-filling terror for James Cameron, the Scorsese to his De Niro

6.0 Px

This old convenience store surveillance photo shows the Pax in his unmedicated state

7.0 Px

The Pax displays every bad feeling in the emotional spectrum, every possible horror known to mankind

8.0 Px

Extreme, abject terror on a scale few will ever know

9.75 Px