It was July 1999 when i realized that there should be a special room for my friends in the mirc (microsoft internet relay chat).  Because communication is one way to strengthen our friendship so a room is needed for us.  This room also serves as venue   in expressing ideas and feelings.  At the same time we can meet new friends here and  have some fun!

At first i really don't know what should be the right name of the channel.  I thought of so many names then finally decided the name Chat2death.  It is a Bohol based channel.  It was named #Chat2death because the chatters in this room never stop chatting until they drop(LOL).  The name of the channel is quite weird and some think of it as  channel for an addict people.  Honestly, what they were saying was true ... addict in the internet in terms of chatting!   That is why this channel is dedicated to all chat addicts.

Even before the time that the channel was not yet registered,  we still made the channel a meeting place for everyone.  A lot of friends of mine from different internet cafes  supported me to make this channel be known to everybody.  But there were lot of trials also during the time when @W was not yet around my channel.  Not to mention, channel takers who wants to takeover this channel. All the ups and downs made me stronger to continue registering the channel Chat2death and im so glad it made realized.

Despite of everything, I am very lucky that i have a lot of friends in the irc who extended their help in registering the channel.  So i like to thank them from the bottom of my heart.  Finding ten supporters with an ISP email adds in registering my channel was not quite difficult for me, because they really showed me there all out supports .

The channel was officially registered on August 1, 1999.   It was @W as channel bot authenticated the channel successfully.   Now, chatters from around the globe come and enjoy their stay in the channel.   Meeting new friends and making some relationship more than friends.  This channel is recognized as channel of real friendship because chatters of this channel aim pure fun and friendship, making as one big family!

I would like to say that managing a channel is not as easy as what others think.  Its like a organization where you are the president and you have a lot of responsibity to do. In order for the president  to make his  work easier he has to assign jobs to his  trusted co-workers and same as the channel Ops.  Friends, the channel ops work hard to maintain the channel for you.  Please chat on the channel with the other guests and make new friends...that is what IRC is all about.

So to all Ops who really trust on me...i am very happy then that you are one of those friends of mine....who really supported me a lot.  Thank you for such a true friends and for being a professional one . Professionality is the one quality to become an ops in my channel if you  have that, you are very much qualified.

To all supporters and friends in the channel: i thank you  for making the channel a second home for you.  If you wanna be part of the family please join #Chat2death always and forever! Feel at home!



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