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Sunday, 18 November 2007

Sunday starts off a Good Week...

This week starts of with more compassion towards our fellow man (and woman). Moon in Pisces asks us to be charitable, to give. For those of us in the United States the celebration of Thanksgiving is on Thursday. Why not begin the week by thinking of something to be thankful for everyday. Don't put the pressure on, just find those small things that make you smile or brighten your day. Thank a bagger in a grocery store...thank your boss for giving you Friday a kindness forward.
The Pisces moon lasts through early Tuesday morning. If you want sympathy, Monday is a good day to get it. If you are into finger violins, Monday is a Good Day for complaints.

Checking out the site "Save 2nd Base" is really interesting the tee-shirt is worth a look and a buy. Remember to stay healthy and to stay aware. Someone, a friend or family member may need you to understand, need your support. Be there for them.

Have the best day everyday.

Talk later...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Good Saturday

Okay so here it is the weekend and we've got a Good Saturday. Maybe a little quirky, maybe a little-go-left kind of day, but none-the-less Good. Aquarius Moon asks us to be tolerant of others, to help our neighbor by not forgetting that we are all in this together.
Went to see the film "The Ultimate Gift" last night...a sleeper, art house, Saturday matinee in Topeka kind of film, but a film with a message. A very Aquarius Moon message...if you have nothing or if you have everything it is worthless unless you have one true friend and others to share it with. Give and you will receive...your rewards may not be tangible. Can you live with that?

Check out a site, search around until you find the "Save Second Base" project related to Breast Cancer. Pink Tee shirts with two baseballs on the front and a Good message. If you are looking to give find your niche. This could be it. Stay aware every month, not just October.

Have the best day every day.

Talk later.

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 10:09 PM EST
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Wednesday is a Good Day

Good Day to read

Except for misplacing stuff I'd say it was a Good Day. I usually don't personalize my posts but I have to think that I am not the only one in a constant state of "looking" for something. Not life or death things just annoying whatevers that I decide I need and know that I had them last month or six weeks ago but now , poof, gone. This I 'd say is part of the slowing down of Mars in readiness for the backward dance until the end of January. If we have to go on these search missions as a daily exercise I will resort to the head banging mentioned in yesterdays blog.

Moon in Capricorn keeps emotions in check. There are no meltdowns allowed during this time. Wednesday this moon remains and wimps and cry babies will not fare well. Keeping that "stiff-upper-lip"is what it is all about.

We shouldn't take our selves too seriously even with a Capricorn moon. Remember to laugh at yourself and to find the humor in life even at the toughest moments. Laughter is the best medicine. Dole out this elixir to those around you. Capricorn Moon has a dry wit. Side splitting one liners are the funniest.

Remember to read. Kunati has a selection for everyone. From fiction to memoir, Kunati has it all.

Have the best day every day...

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 11:06 PM EST
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Monday, 12 November 2007
Life is cyclical

Tuesday is a Good Day

Hopefully all of us are sleeping when the moon does its space walk. After 8am Tuesday morning we can go back to making money even though all things bullish won't turn around until mid-April. To those who find that news unsettling, remember that life is cyclical. Back track through history and you'll see how our current circumstances are in some way being replicated with those, say thirty years ago.
We are not very imaginative after, music, food and politics, to name a few, come back around about every thirty years. This may get you thinking about cycles. Think first of two year cycles. We base a lot of what we do on a two year turn-around. Then there are seven year cycles...these are the strongest and often the most testing of all the cycles. The twelve year cycle brings us good fortune and the twenty-nine-thirty year cycle brings us full circle.

Perhaps that is enough food for thought and we should work the energy of the next two Good Days in our favor because these are the last few days before Mars goes backward. This motion only appears to occur to us here on earth. Believe it or not, that is the challenge. Just watch your head during the next several weeks, some may be tempted to resort to head-banging due to frustration.

Cancer does not discriminate. It makes no distinction between race, religion , poverty or wealth. Stay healthy...stay aware.

Have the best day every day.

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 11:40 PM EST
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Sunday, 11 November 2007

Now Playing: A Very Good Day to Go Shopping

Thank Goodness for a Good Day

Yesterday was a blur. Not terrible, but none-the-less a little bit trying on the nerves. The moon slipped into Sagittarius about 8pm last night and the feeling of breaking the surface began, being able to breath and all that.
So what to expect today? People should be in better humor, but remember that Sagittarius can be brutally honest and will say things (with a laugh) that can cut to the core. Oh, but the Sagittarius moon doesn't mean to hurt with words but to be honest is not always to be kind. Try not to chop anyone up with the truth...please use the optimistic side of this moon to smooth over your conversation. The truth is good but use your higher sense of intelligence to put it out there. The Sagittarius moon brings excellent days (through Monday) to travel, have jury duty, try a case, expound on your beliefs, watch football, go hiking. publish a book, go public or do anything that expands your mind and your horizons.

Now what about shopping? Let's get down to it. Remember the window theory until the 15th? Today and tomorrow are the best of the best. If you've got a list, go for it...wrap later when everyone else is caught up in backward Mars energy.

FYI: There is a wine label out of California called: Cleavage Creek...honest. It is bottled by a man married nearly fifty years whose wife died of breast cancer. The label has different women brautifully dressed, each a breast cancer survivor. So my thought is this: check it a few bottles of red. Ten percent of the proceeds go towards the Cure. Have a glass...not the whole sensible...stay aware.

Belly Of The Whale now has a blog on the Kunati site. As a matter of fact, all of the Kunati authors are officially blogging. What a Good Day to begin...Moon in Sagittarius is bona fortuna.

Have the best day everyday...

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 7:44 AM EST
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Friday, 9 November 2007
Good Way to begina a weekend

Friday...Good Day

We may have all awoke scratching our heads. The mysteries of yesterday still sitting top-of-the-mind.
So will we fare any better today? Moon in Scorpio sends a mysterious message. We have to dig deep for answers. Most of us are too busy to take the time so for some the mystery will remain.
Suggestion for those more determined: Remember you can fly. (Excuse me?) Well I mean there is a way up and over, and, like I said, you can FLY. Another suggestion is this: Get what you need to get done by this evening because we are heading for a big fat No Day that will blanket tomorrow. From about 10:30pm tonight until 8pm tomorrow night and then you might just want to crawl under that blanket. No Days are not that depressing, you can use the energy to do the most mundane of tasks and to plan. Don't expect more from the day than necessary and know that anything said or done is not written in stone.

Scorpio sends a message regarding health. There could be something deep inside, something lurking that you can't see. Not to scare you but if your inner voice has been telling you the same is the time to check it out. Stay well. Stay aware.

Have the best day everyday...

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 8:52 AM EST
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Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Good Day

Another Good for Two Day

I suppose the idea of going two-by-two is not new. Noah and God had a similar one-on-one conversation regarding the Ark and its passengers. In a manner of speaking we can all learn from Noah's course of action. Two is better than one. The Libra moon insists on partnership. Continue, or carry on, using the two rule all of Wednesday. When Thursday appears the Scorpio Moon will stare down upon us beginning about 7:30am. All that business of relationships and not going it alone will wash out to sea with the intensity of this moon in the deep water sign of Scorpio. Prepare ahead for a rather intense day on Thursday. Do not take any "garbage" from anyone. Scorpio does not play cute like Libra, does not negotiate like Libra or try to make the peace like Libra. Bottom line is: do not try to BS your way out of anything. Scorpio moon will see right through your thin excuses.

There is a New Moon late Friday night in Scorpio. Use it to begin something. Projects that have to do with research, undercover, marine biology, mystery or unsolved anything could be on the list of try this or that.

Use this moon's energy to be healthy. A medical appointment under this moon will be very thorough.

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 9:36 PM EST
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Good Day

Another Good for Two Day

I suppose the idea of going two-by-two is not new. Noah and God had a similar one-on-one conversation regarding the Ark and its passengers. In a manner of speaking we can all learn from Noah's course of action. Two is better than one. The Libra moon insists on partnership. Continue, or carry on, using the two rule all of Wednesday. When Thursday appears the Scorpio Moon will stare down upon us beginning about 7:30am. All that business of relationships and not going it alone will wash out to sea with the intensity of this moon in the deep water sign of Scorpio. Prepare ahead for a rather intense day on Thursday. Do not take any "garbage" from anyone. Scorpio does not play cute like Libra, does not negotiate like Libra or try to make the peace like Libra. Bottom line is: do not try to BS your way out of anything. Scorpio moon will see right through your thin excuses.

There is a New Moon late Friday night in Scorpio. Use it to begin something. Projects that have to do with research, undercover, marine biology, mystery or unsolved anything could be on the list of try this or that.

Use this moon's energy to be healthy. A medical appointment under this moon will be very thorough.

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 9:36 PM EST
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Sunday, 4 November 2007
Good Monday Morning

Start the week with a Mixed Day...

We all walked around today just missing walls. The time change always puts us a bit out-of-step. The extra hour is sweet but then the day seems to be in slow motion. By Tuesday most of my clocks should be displaying the correct time. Thank goodness for those genius cyberspacelings for changing my computer and cell phone.

So how much did you cross off your list? What a feeling of satisfaction we all got this weekend. Monday begins with that same "list" energy but fades out about 1pm. The afternoon is better left to chance than to any specific plan. Wait for the moon to change over to Libra just after 6:30pm to say yes or no to anything. Libra moon is all about two. Double everything, duets are highlighted and partnership is at its best. Do something nice for your favorite person...conversation works best in a one-to-one style. This mode of energy carries us along Tuesday and Wednesday. Sort of like Valentine's Days in November.

What did you eat today? We are what we eat. This is true. Be mindful of your diet. Stay healthy. Someone loves you, do it for your self and for them.

Have the Best Day everyday...

Talk later...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Good Day...Good Night

Okay Mercury went forward and it was evident by the amount of people talking on their cell phones. I started to count and gave up because of the sheer numbers and doing the math in my head. There was so much to say today. People talked to strangers just to release sentences trapped in their heads for the last three weeks. Traffic was also affected. More accidents. People just couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Not to put a blanket over all this renewed verbalization but as with most good things comes reality. Jung liked to deal with the term "shadow" and his use of shadow was more like the dark side (Darth Vadar). Shadow comes into play with our communication as well. We are out of the backward dance but in its shadow until the 18th of November. What does that mean? What began in or around the 11th of October will finalize about the 18th. Do with that what you will.

Today was a Good Day and tomorrow will be Good as well. The Virgo Moon waits until just after 8:30am to come on the scene. Before that you can make your lists (you will need them). Virgo moon loves details and crossing things off the list. So this weekend should be good for getting things accomplished.

Drink Green Tea it has lots of anti-oxidants. Just one way to stay healthy and fight the fight.

Have the best weekend...

Talk later...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dancing forward on a Good Day

Get on your dancing shoes because today is the day the dance floor is available for forward motion. The supreme trickster(Mercury) got all his treats last night and is taking his bags of goodies and dancing forward tonight. Did you notice that today all the "stories" are about he said-she said? All that talk swirling backwards in our minds is gurgling up and out. Say it...mean decisive...the window is open between the 2nd of November and the 15th...remember those Good Days to shop?...well, these are Good Days to talk as well. If you need to sign on the line, say hello, say good-bye, say I love you...say goodnight Gracie or some such DO IT during this almost two week period.

Today is a GOOD DAY...Leo Moon asks us to be expressive, go to the theater...have fun...dress up...wear a hat...all manner of ways to bring attention to self.

Now that the Pink Month Of October is behind us, we must keep our awareness level slackers. Cancer knows no holidays, weddings, or birthdays. Stay healthy.

Have the best day everyday...

Talk later...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

No..No Halloween...

Our wonderful Cancer Moon exits about 1pm today leaving all trick or treaters out there in the void. No worries. That Mamma of a Cancer Moon still has her arms around us and we'll be safe from ghoulish things.

Halloween is a great opportunity for all of us to "dress-up". An evening to venture over the border of normal and structure. When we get into costume our personality changes. Cute to sexy...skinny to muscle man. Whatever we what to be we can.... Venture over the line...Go outside the box...ring-a-door-bell. Don't, please, do anything stupid. In or out of costume, stupid stuff is not suggested. Dressing-up on Halloween is a chance to exercise another side of us that needs to have an adventure. All in good fun, of course.

This is the last day of breast cancer awareness month. Tomorrow we do not forget the pink ribbons...we need to stay aware, everyday for the sake of self, family and friends.

Have the best day everyday.

Talk later...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Moon brings a Good Day...Friends are family

The Moon brings us a Good Day. Cancer moon is all about being comfortable and family. This makes me think of all those friends that are family. The special people that come into our lives that do not share our name, our mother, or our father but they are sometimes closer than a sibling. For these folk we must consider our self blessed. Someone once said that if we have even one friend in a lifetime that it was a blessing. With this in mind I have a treasure chest of blessings because I have many friends. I hope that this wealth is shared by many. Keep your friends even when they move away, when they change jobs or disappear for awhile. Keep them close to your heart, for they support us on Good Days and Not-So-Good Days.

Autism has made the headlines again. Testing to discover Autism in our children is all about awareness. We have so much to be aware much to be grateful for...juggling the two is not a chore.

Talk later...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Best Days to Go Shopping...

With the Holidays fast approaching...screaming down on us, the need to buy gifts is our mission. Who among us likes to return anything? I didn't hear a peep... If you are listening out there in blogville heed this next statement. Shop, shop, shop till you fall over and dead stop from November 2nd through November 15th. say...too early for die hard Christmas folk. Oh well...but Mercury is just set to go dancing forward and Mars is taking her place going backward. So, don't think that this illusion of backward stuff is in anyway serious enough to affect holiday to me December 26th.

Monday is a Good Day until just before 4pm and gets better just before 9pm. The Red Sox will most likely have won the series and Boston fans will be having a spontaneous holiday. Believe...

The Moon in Cancer takes over until mid-day Wednesday. The moon likes being in this sign of the Zodiac because the moon is ruled by Cancer. Hence be sure to find what you need by way of comfort. Ask for what you need to attain comfort and make all the plans you like. Anything to do with property goes well.

Early diagnosis saves lives.

Talk later...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

In the land of the Red Sox...

Crossing over the Massachusetts border you can feel IT. You are immediately aware of the fever; the contagious enthusiasm that has taken over the state. The irrational Red disease that caused Mr. Giuliani to claim allegiance to the Bo Sox and sever his popularity in New York. Yankeeville. People wear Red Sox attire on their heads, as shirts or on other parts of their bodies. Cars are adorned in a similar fashion; there is no end to the display. If you cheer for another team it with a body guard. No matter what your preference in is taken in by the spirit, by the very resonance of emotion, by the connection it has created. The joining of folk in an event such as baseball brings us to a higher level of understanding, of belief. Yankee fans included...there is something to be said for this kind of faith.

The moon is ducking out on us today. leaving us holding the ball and feeling like we are back peddling. No worries. After 8pm we'll get back into sync. Talk it up.

Keep yourself in the pink.

Talk later...

Posted by ct2/celestialblueprints at 6:29 PM EDT
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