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Liza's Project


About 8 months ago, I entered Harvard with a mission. I thought I had identified many of the “ills” plaguing education, and was coming here to learn how to go about solving them. As I progress through the program, however, I realize just how much more complicated the situation really is.

This program has taught me how to approach educational issues with an appreciation of the complexity and difficulty of what needs to be accomplished. The lessons learned have helped to propel my perspective on educational reform into a deeper, more genuine awareness of the issues we face. I learned many important lessons here in the School of Education.

1. No one can accomplish lasting, beneficial reform on his or her own.

2. Services are successful not when done to the community, but with and alongside the community.

3. Real transformation takes courage, time, and persistence.

And perhaps most importantly:

4. In the scheme of things, I know next to nothing.

Initially, this last lesson posed extremely challenging, as you can imagine. How do I accomplish anything when I don’t assume any expertise or unique insight? Now the answer is easy…I refer to lesson number 1.

In Alternatives to Violence: Part 2, we spent our time discussing and learning about group and classroom work. While our conversations were deep and meaningful, the brevity of the course only allowed me to find the first few steps of the path, and a view of the endless road ahead.

Over the past few weeks, I found myself reaching out for more information. The contents of this web page include links and overviews of the helpful resources and information I found. It is my hope that they will prove helpful to others, and allow us all to continue down the path and into the horizon.

Please feel free to e-mail me with any question, concerns, or suggestions. Thank you!

My Pages

Media Literacy Links
Peacemaking and Anti-Violence Links
My Classmates' Projects
Harvard University Graduate School of Education
