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Gorvett Genealogy


"Our Pioneering Families"

Biographical Sketches of
Early Settlers of Wellington County

GORVETT, William G., is a son of the late William Gorvett, who was b. in Devonshire, Eng. He farmed in the Old Country until 1854, in which year he came to Canada and set. in Markham, Ont., where he carried on a general store, and was Postmaster for twenty-one years. He m. Mary Ann Hollinger, of Pickering. Issue: William G., John A., prominent farmer in Arthur Township; Anne Victoria, and Minnie T. (d.). William Gorvett d. Oct. 4, 1873, in Markham, Ont. His widow survives him, age 65, and resides at Caledon, Ont.
    William G. Gorvett was b. in Markham, Ont., Dec. 11, 1861, where he was educated. He engaged in farming for three years (in 1880) in Arthur Township, after which time he moved to Arthur Village and engaged in the carpenter and building business, to which he gave his entire attention until 1890, when he purchased the first planing mill erected in Arthur Village, which he operated successfully for four years, when he sold same, but later repurchased it and has conducted the business ever since. He was elected to the Council in 1897, and was re-elected three times thereafter. In 1905, he was elected Reeve of the village.
    Mr. Gorvett is largely interested in building, outside of his planing mill, and also is more or less interested in the real estate business. He owns a lumber yard in connection with the mill. He was m. April 19, 1883, to Elizabeth A. Leith. Mr. Gorvett is a self-made man and owes his success in life entirely to his own efforts. He is a first class business man, and occupies a high place, both socially and commercially, in the community. He is a Methodist in religion, and in politics a Conservative.
    John A. was b. in Markham Township, 1865. He is a son of the late William Gorvett, and came to Arthur Township in 1880 with his brother, now in business in Arthur. He purchased the present homestead of 100 acres, lot 24, con. 1, for $1,800. At that time only a little was cleared, and the property is now assessed at $5,000. Mr. Gorvett started in life for himself when eighteen years old, and has made his fine property by his own efforts. He carries on mixed farming and is much respected. He is a Methodist and a Conservative. In 1888 he m. Etta, eldest dau. of Silas Foster, late of Fleming, N.W.T. Issue: John R., Leslie F., and Arthur L.

From: Historical Atlas of the County of Wellington, Ontario. Toronto: Historical Atlas Publishing Co., 1906


Gorvett & Gilmour Planning mill, Arthur township, Ontario Gazetteer and Directory for 1895. Page 90


Information on the Gorvetts in Arthur Township, Ontario, Canada From Then Till Now-A History of Arthur Township 1850-1985

From page 263.
JOHN GORVETT ( Lot 24,Con.1)

Mr. William Gorvett and John Gorvett came from Markham, Ontario to Arthur Township and bought the N1/2 Lot 21,Con.1, now County Road No.14. Mr. Wm. Gorvett sold his half of the farm to Mr. John Gorvett and he started a lumber business in Arthur. John stayed on the farm and married Etta Foster. They had 3 sons, Russell (mix Isabel McConnell) , Leslie (Married out West), Art (m. Hilda Cole). Art rented the farm from his father John in 1923 for $250 a year. The barn was burnt that year and rebuilt in 1924. Art and Hilda (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Cole) farmed there for the remaining 4 yrs. then moved to Fergus. Art worked in Beatty Bros., then went out west to Manitoba. Later they returned to Ontario and rented a 200 acre farm in Peel Township for 2 yrs. as his brother Russell had rented the John Gorvett farm for 2 yrs. Then Art and Hilda bought the John Gorvett farm (home place) and worked the home place til 1962 when it was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Wroneswki from Toronto. He fell out of the hayloft and broke his neck and is in a home in Toronto. They sold the farm to Mr. and Mrs. A. Kienapple who still are there today. Art passed away in 1973. Hilda married Don Little in 1975. They still live in the house in Arthur. Jim Cole came to live with Art and Hilda when he was about 4 yrs. old. He grew up there and learned to be an electrician with Ross Densmore of Arthur.

RALPH GORVETT (N1/2,Lot 26,Con.1)

The east 50 acres was taken from the Crown by John Chambers in 1856. Peter Gerve, Robert Ibottson and Carlton Green cleared the land on shares. David Allen married Marjorie Ibottson in 1855 and farmed while clearing the land until 1890. George Stortz sold it to his son Lawrence in 1917, who with his wife and family farmed until 1951, when Ralph and Rebecca Gorvett took over the farm. They have 4 daughters and one son. They keep Holstein cows and hens. The are farming today,1984.




Please contact Betsy Rubel  with any queries or contributions.