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Gorvett Genealogy


                                                    1861 Census Information England & Wales

GORRETT William  head married 60 gardener  Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
GORRETT Sarah  wife married 63    Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
GORRETT Richard  son married 28    Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
GORRETT Louisa d/in-law   27    Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
GORRETT Sarah gr/daughter   4    Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
GORRETT Emily gr/daughter   1    Bideford 124 Silver Street Bideford, Devon
SMALE Richard  head married 26 shoemaker  Langtree, Devon Silver Street B#144, Bideford
SMALE Catherine  wife married 36 glove maker  Milton Damerel ,Devon Silver Street B#144, Bideford
GORVETT John son-in-law married 15 apprentice  Bideford, Devon Silver Street B#144, Bideford
GORVETT Mary A. daughter-in-law single 13 scholar  Langtree, Devon Silver Street B#144, Bideford
GORVETT Lewis head married 23  ag. lab Thornbury, Devon Lower Winsford, Bideford Parish#14
GORVETT Margaret  wife married 22   Newton St. Petrock Lower Winsford, Bideford Parish#14
GORVETT William H.  son married 2   Newton St. Petrock Lower Winsford, Bideford Parish#14
GORVETT John son married 3 months   S. Bideford Lower Winsford, Bideford Parish#14
SMALE Sarah  mother-in-law widow 64   Newton St. Petrock Lower Winsford, Bideford Parish#14
THOMAS Mary  head unmarried.   landed prop. Pelton, Devon Pilton Street #1, Pilton, Barnstaple
GORVETT Grace  servant unmarried. 35 cook Marstow Tracey? Pilton Street #1, Pilton, Barnstaple
GORVETT James  head married 64 or 76?  retired farmer Somerset Stonington Newton Tracey, #4 Prospect Hill
GORVETT Ann  wife married 56   Fremington Devon Newton Tracey, #4 Prospect Hill
KING Elizabeth  sister-in-law unmarried 67   Fremington Devon Newton Tracey, #4 Prospect Hill
KING Isabella sister-in-law unmarried 61   Fremington Devon Newton Tracey, #4 Prospect Hill
YEO Mary  servant unmarried 21 servant Landky (?Langtree) Devon Newton Tracey, #4 Prospect Hill
LUXON Lawrence head married 31 farmer 96 acres Winkleigh West Chapel #5, Winkleigh
LUXON Mary wife married 31   Colridge West Chapel #5, Winkleigh
(JUELL) George  serv unmarried 20 carter Winkleigh West Chapel #5, Winkleigh
TURNER William  serv unmarried 11 servant Winkleigh West Chapel #5, Winkleigh
GORVETT? Elizabeth  daughter. unmarried 11 house servant Torrington West Chapel #5, Winkleigh
GORVETT James head married 38 ag. lab. Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Ann  wife married 37 glover Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Susan  daughter unmarried 14 glover Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT William son unmarried 12 ag. lab. Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT James  son unmarried 9   Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Mary Gr daughter unmarried 6   Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Samuel son unmarried 4   Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Albert son unmarried 2   Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORVETT Leweasa daughter unmarried 4 months   Sheepwash Sheepwash
GORWILL William head married 60 carpenter journeyman Torrington #190 Welles Street, Great Torrington
GORWILL Fanny  wife married 57 wife Torrington #190 Welles Street, Great Torrington
GORWILL Sarah  daughter unmarried 20 cotton glove maker Torrington #190 Welles Street, Great Torrington
GORWILL Fanny  daughter unmarried 16 cotton glove maker Torrington #190 Welles Street, Great Torrington
GORWILL Frederick  son unmarried 13 scholar Torrington #190 Welles Street, Great Torrington
GORVETT Richard head married 33 ag. lab. Thornbury Down Moor Cottage, Newton St. Petrock
GORVETT MaryAnn wife married 32   Herefordshire - Peterchurch Down Moor Cottage, Newton St. Petrock
GORVETT John  head married 66  farmer of 123 acres Sutcombe Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
GORVETT Ann wife married 65   Thornbury Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
GORVETT Thomas son unmarried 36   Thornbury Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
BROHAM Charles  servant  ? 19  carter   Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
ANDREW MaryAnn  servant   19  servant Thornbury Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
ANDREW Elizabeth servant   18  servant Milton Damerel Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
MARTIN Caleb  servant   15  servant Newton St. Petrock Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
LITTLEJOHN William  gr/son   9   Milton Damerel Bridge, Newton St. Petrock #24
NICHOLS William  head married 40  farmer Great Torrington Slew,  Newton St. Petrock 
NICHOLS Patience wife married 45   Idderleigh Slew,  Newton St. Petrock 
NICHOLS Ellen  daughter unmarried 10   Idderleigh Slew,  Newton St. Petrock 
NICHOLS William  son unmarried  8   Idderleigh Slew,  Newton St. Petrock 
GORVETT George servant unmarried 19  general serv. Milton Damerel Slew,  Newton St. Petrock 
GORVETT Josiah  servant   28  carter Thornbury Waldron, Bulkworthy
GORVIN Ellin  servant unmarried 20    Monkleigh at home of Samuel Cork, Orchard Farm, ?Northam
GORVIN James  head married 40 seaman Northam Lake St., Northam
GORVIN Elizabeth  wife married 42   Instow Lake St., Northam
GORVIN James  son unmarried 10 scholar Appledore Lake St., Northam
GORVIN Thirza  head married 26  seaman's wife Appledore Northam
GORVIN Thomas  son unmarried 4   Appledore Northam
GORVIN John  son unmarried 3   Appledore Northam
GORVIN Elizabeth  daughter unmarried 1    Appledore Northam
GORVIN James  head married 62 mariner  Northam  New Street, Northam
GORVIN Fanny  wife married 65   Monkleigh  New Street, Northam
GORVIN Frances  daughter. unmarried 30   Appledore  New Street, Northam
GORVIN George  servant unmarried 12 footboy Littleham Cliff House, Northam
GORVIN Henry  head married 56 ag. lab.  Monkleigh Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN Grace  wife married 56    Fremleigh Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN Mary  daughter. unmarried 29 glover  Monkleigh Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN Anna  daughter. unmarried 11 glover  Littleham Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN Rheban?  son unmarried 9   Littleham Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN Ann  daughter. unmarried 18 mon    Littleham Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN James  grand son unmarried 1 mon    Littleham Littleham,  Polland
GORVIN James  head married 25 ag. lab.  Monkley Braunton, Georgeham, ?Netherham
GORVIN Mary Elizabeth  wife married 26    Georgeham Braunton, Georgeham, ?Netherham
GORVIN William H.  son   5    Georgeham Braunton, Georgeham, ?Netherham
GORVIN Arthur Charles  son   2    Georgeham Braunton, Georgeham, ?Netherham
GORVIN Archibald James     5 mon    Georgeham Braunton, Georgeham, ?Netherham
SANDERS Mary head widow 57 house owner  Stoke Damerel Tamar, Stoke Damerel, Devon
SANDERS Charlotte daughter unmarried 19 dressmaker  Stoke Damerel Tamar, Stoke Damerel, Devon
GORFITT(or GORFETT) William H g/son unmarried 17 months    Stoke Damerel Tamar, Stoke Damerel, Devon
GORVETT William head married 50 farmer/gardener Buckland Filleigh Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Eliza wife married 40   Exford Somerset Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Samuel son   19   Exmoor Somerset Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Sarah Jane daughter   14   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Richard son   12   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Charles son   10   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Eliza Ann daughter   5   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Elizabeth daughter   3   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Mary daughter   2 mon   Cadoxton, Glam Cadaxton, Dyffern Clydach, Skewen, Glamorgan
GORVETT Joseph  head   51 labourer  DEV Buckland Brewer Neath 
GORVETT Betsy  wife   46    DEV North Molton Neath 
GORVETT Eliza  daughter   13 servant  GLA Cadoxton Neath 
GORVETT Hannah  daughter   10 scholar  GLA Cadoxton Neath 
GORVETT Sarah J daughter   6 scholar  GLA Cadoxton Neath 
GORVETT Maria  daughter   4 scholar  GLA Cadoxton Neath 
GOUGH John  father-in-law wid   74 labourer  DEV Bishops Nympton Neath 
HALE James  boarder   21 labourer  DEV South Molton Neath 
GORVIN John  head  married  62 mariner  Northam  New Street 
GORVIN Fanny  wife  married  65    Monkleigh   New Street 
GORVIN Frances  daughter  single  30    Appledore  New Street 
GORVIN Jane  head  married  43 seaman's wife  Northam 121Irsha Street
GORVIN Thirza  head  married  24 seaman's wife  Appledore 142Irsha Street
GORVIN (thomas?)    married     seaman     142Irsha Street
GORVIN Thomas    single  4 scholar  Braunton  142Irsha Street
GORVIN John  son  single  3 scholar  Appledore  142Irsha Street
GORVIN Elizabeth  daughter  single  1    Appledore  142Irsha Street
GORVIN Mary  visitor  single  14    Appledore 142Irsha Street
GORVIN James  head  married  60 seaman  Northam  181 Irsha Street 
GORVIN Elizabeth  wife  married  42    Instow  182 Irsha Street 
GORVIN James  son  single  10 scholar  Appledore 183 Irsha Street 
GORVETT William H head married 39 gnl seed dealer Thornbury Drake St, Plymouth St Andrew
GORVETT Mary Ann wife married 35   Petherwick Drake St, Plymouth St Andrew
GORVETT Hellan?Kellan daughter single  4   Plymouth Drake St, Plymouth St Andrew
GORVETT Wm H  son single  2   Plymouth Drake St, Plymouth St Andrew
WILLIAMS Thomas boarder widow 60 labourer Newland, Cornwall Drake St, Plymouth St Andrew
GORVETT John head widow 28 blacksmith Devonshire New Quay Rd, Newton Abbott
GORVETT Betsy  mother  mar 70   Devonshire New Quay Rd, Newton Abbott
GORVETT Ellen  sister unmarried 23   Devonshire New Quay Rd, Newton Abbott
GORVETT Henry (N?) son unmarried 2   Newport, Wales New Quay Rd, Newton Abbott
BURNETT Tempest visitor  (male) 9   Lancashire New Quay Rd, Newton Abbott
GORVETTE Robert head married 20 coach painter Liverpool 5 , Tarlton Street, Liverpool (West Derby)
GORVETTE Sarah wife married 22 dressmaker Liverpool 5 , Tarlton Street, Liverpool (West Derby)
GORVETTE Ada A. daughter unmarried 3 months   Liverpool 5 , Tarlton Street, Liverpool (West Derby)
BARTON John lodger unmarried 19 plumber Liverpool 5 , Tarlton Street, Liverpool (West Derby)
BARTON James lodger unmarried 15 dyer Liverpool 5 , Tarlton Street, Liverpool (West Derby)
GORVETTE Mary servant unmarried 1 house servant Hutton Buscel Vicarage, Lythe Village, Lythe, Whitby (Home of Vicar Pearton)
GRIGG Joseph  head widow 71 house carpenter (none given) 2 Northam, Bideford, Devon
GORVET or YOUATT?) John son-in-law married 27 wheelwright Great Torrington, Devon 2 Northam, Bideford, Devon
GORVET Elizabeth daughter married 23   Monkleigh, Devon 2 Northam, Bideford, Devon
GORVET Elianor gr-daugh   2   Monkleigh, Devon 2 Northam, Bideford, Devon
GORVET John gr-son   1   Monkleigh, Devon 2 Northam, Bideford, Devon
GORVETT James boarder widower 24 woolen dresser Frome Trooper St., Frome, Somerset (Ashman Husehold)
GORVETT Mary head widow  74 farmer of 9 acres Clifton Wood House, Newlands, Halifax 
BEVER Louisa grand daughter   8 scholar Lightcliffe Wood House, Newlands, Halifax 
GORVETT William head married 49? carpenter   Littleham St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
GORVETT Catherine  wife married ?   Bideford St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
GORVETT William H son unmarried 22 carpenter Bideford St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
GORVETT James son unmarried 20 carpenter Bideford St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
GORVETT Samuel R son unmarried 10 scholar Radle?, Bristol St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
TRICK James nephew ? 30 sailor Bideford St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
PETHICK Louisa visitor  unmarried 30 dressmaker London St Phillip & Jacob In, Bristol, Trinity
GORVELL (is Gorvett) Ann head widow 63 carpenters widow Truro, Cornwall South Gate St., St Marys, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVELL (is Gorvett) Edmund son unmarried 22 attoroneys genl clerk Launceston, Cornwall South Gate St., St Marys, Launceston, Cornwall
GREGORY Harriet visitor  unmarried 62 haymaker Launceston, Cornwall South Gate St., St Marys, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVIN Edward head married 38 mariner  Appledore, Devon Newcastle Tyne
GORVIN Mary wife married 36 lodging house Alston, Cumberland Newcastle Tyne, Northumberland
GORVIN Francis daughter unmarried 10   Newcastle Tyne Newcastle Tyne, Northumberland
GORVIN Edward son unmarried 5   Newcastle Tyne Newcastle Tyne, Northumberland
GORVIN Agnes daughter unmarried 4   Newcastle Tyne Newcastle Tyne, Northumberland
GORVIN John James son unmarried 11 months   Newcastle Tyne Newcastle Tyne, Northumberland
GORVIN Edward head married 20 ag. lab. Monkleigh, Devonshire Ford, Alwington, Devon
GORVIN Louisa wife married 23   Parkham Devon Ford, Alwington, Devon
GORVIN William son unmarried 3 months   Alwington, Devon Ford, Alwington, Devon
GORVIN Edwin head married 32 railswitchman Braunton, Devon Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
GORVIN Mary wife marries 34   Tesnath, Radnorshire, Wales Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
GORVIN Edwin son unmarried 3   Neath, Wales Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
GORVIN Charles son unmarried 1   Neath, Wales Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
GORVIN William head Married 27 engone driver, gas works Braunton, Devon Mathew St., Swansea, Glamogan
GORVIN Elizabeth wife married 21   Swansea Mathew St., Swansea, Glamogan
GORVIN Thomas son unmarried 5 months   Swansea Mathew St., Swansea, Glamogan
GORVIN Henry head married 44 artist Braunton, Devon 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN Hannah  wife married 45   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN George son unmarried 19   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN Sophia son unmarried 13   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN Mary M daughter unmarried 11   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN Henrietta daughter unmarried 7   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN John C son unmarried 6   Swansea 34 Acford St., Swansea, GLamorgan
GORVIN Joshua head married 35 blacksmith Braunton Holmacott Cottage, Fremignton, Devon
GORVIN Susan wife married 26   Fremington Holmacott Cottage, Fremignton, Devon
GORVIN Bessey daughter unmarried 6   Fremington Holmacott Cottage, Fremignton, Devon
GORVIN Mary Ann daughter unmarried [?]   Fremington Holmacott Cottage, Fremignton, Devon
GORVETT Richard head married 38 carter Thornbury, Devon St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVETT Mary A wife married 37 hat trimmer South Sydenham, Cornwall St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVETT Elizabeth daughter unmarried 11   Launceston, Corwall St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVETT Mary   daughter unmarried 5   Launceston, Corwall St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVETT Richard son unmarried 3   Launceston, Corwall St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
GORVETT Alice daughter unmarried 3 mon   Launceston, Corwall St MaryMagdalen, Launceston, Cornwall
ENDEAN James boarder widower 42? mine captain Stoke Corwall  
ENDEAN Mary Ann boarder unmarried 11 (maybe 16?) hat trimmer Launceston, Corwall  
ENDEAN Elizabeth boarder unmarried 13 scholar Launceston, Corwall  


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