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As I sit here and ponder
The events of September 11th, 2001
I find it difficult to put down in words
All that my heart is feeling.
The emotions I feel are ones I have not felt before
The comfort I knew just a few days ago
I feel no more.


As I hear the events
I feel confused...
How could someone be so full of hatred
When I have been taught to love my neighbor
And that love is the answer.
Love is what makes the world go round


As I Look at the news reports
I feel scared...
To know that the safety of the country I live in
Has been compromised
Our world as we knew it has ended
And that on any given day tragedy could hit again.


As I look at the pictures of loved ones lost
I feel helpless
Knowing that there is nothing I can do
To take the hurt away from the families
That have lost so much
And have so many questions
That have no answers
And may never have an answer.


As I read the events
I feel angered
I want to lash out
Make these people feel the pain
That all Americans felt on September 11th, 2001
And still feel today
And will feel for years to come.


But through all the emotions
Through all the pain
Through all the confusion
There is one thing I Am sure of...

I am proud to be an American
Proud to call this land my home.

My prayers are with the families who have lost loved ones and livelihoods .

A Big thanks goes to all who are working so hard to help



All poetry and graphics pageset designed and copyrighted By Absolute Dreams Please do not remove without permission.

Thank you Pamme

Thanks Kat

All Graphic Design and poetry copyrighted by Absolute Dreams 2001
Do Not use without permission

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