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chturner geneology

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chturner geneology

I was born in Arkansas & have spent my life in Benton Co.
I became a Barber in 1964 & have been searching for Ancestors , seriously , for about 5 Yrs.
Although I am very new at this using a computer
I have "met " some very nice & interesting people

I have been very fortunate , because of my searching
and others searching the Family History we have
connected 7 Cousins:: 6 of which, I knew Nothing about.

I had only heard the name of one Cousin, living in the
State of Washington, that has made contact with me.

I have been blessed with 2 Daughters & 5 Grand-children; 3 boys & 2 girls; ranging in age from 23 8 yrs.


If you have any " TURNER " information
especially from AR, ILL, TN, NC, SC, KY, VA, MA,

will you Please contact me at;;;; ?

Also, if there is any-one listed on these pages, you wish to contact

please let me know and I will forward your request

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