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The Alfa Romeo International Dx Group An International 11 Meter Group dedicated to the art of serious radio communications worldwide using Sideband communications locally, nationally,and internationally.Radio operators around the world are welcome to apply for free membership.Memberships are now being taken in all countries by email mostly,and remember its one email to become a member of the Alfa Romeo International Dx Group Worldwide,or one check in on our nets when they are in operation.To become a member email us at

AlfaRomeo Rules Of Membership

The AlfaRomeo International Dx Groups rules on the air are as follows. 1.)You must be 18 years of age or older to become a member 2.)Memberships are open to both men and women ssb operators around the world. 3.)As a member in goodstanding with the alfaromeo international dx group you may not use foul or indecent language on the air at all,you may not broadcast music over the air,and you will not jam other stations that are dxing on 11 meters. Anyone not following club rules will have all membership privileges taken away from them and can be banned from the radio group. 4.)All members are to learn if you donot know them all Q-codes used on ssb modes on 11 meters. 5.)No am cb lingo is to be used on ssb when communicating with another station. On sideband just use normal english only. To become a member which is free worldwide you must email the alfaromeo dx group first or contact us on the radio. These are the main rules of the group. We look foward to new members worldwide who are outstanding operators on the airwaves.

AlfaRomeo 11 Meter SSB Net News Worldwide

The AlfaRomeo Dx Group Nets-We have two nets that operate on 11 meters ssb.Our 1st net operates on sundays excluding all major holidays 8am till 12 noon on 27.525mhz Usb mode. The AlfaRomeo Dx Group also has a regional net from 8-9pm est on 27.405mhz Lsb mode Sunday nights for both new and old members.Please do join us on our nets where you will meet other men and women who enjoy sideband dxing and who have other interests that you may fine out about. We do not operate nets in the spring or summertime months. If you which to start up an alfaromeo net in your area of the world once you are a member let us know. Thats it for current net news from the group 73's and good dxing. Special Interest Nets-Members who wish to start a special interest net i.e. fishing,ufo's etc contact us about the time that this net will operate,also a note all special interest nets we would like to operate on 2 7.525Mhz Lsb or Usb and or 27.405Mhz Lsb or Usb.Since these are our International and regional operating frequencies.If you already are a AlfaRomeo member please use 27.525mhz usb mode for all international contacts with other AlfaRomeo members.

AlfaRomeo Internet 11 Meter News

The AlfaRomeo International Dx Group is into the new age of technogy has we head toward the future of communications on this planet with many exciting advancements in all area amatuer radio,11 meter ssb communications,and now the internet brings all of us who love 11 meter ssb communications together via the internet,thats if you have a computer to go online. We are making contacting us easier through the internet in general and also when the 11 meter band is closed down but you wish to contact us to become a new member or director for your country you can now do it through our website. The Alfa Romeo International Dx Group is looking for directors in all divisions around the world. To be a director you must have a computer with internet access,be well organized and able to bring into our group the best radio operators with good radio habits. We are looking to expand in remote countries and not so remote.