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George Adamski--Mid 1950's contactee. He wrote about the friendly Venusians who allegedly took him on space journeys. He died in 1965.

Kenneth Arnold-His sighing led to the use of the term flying saucer.

Dr. Edward Condon-Director of the government funded UFO project known as the condon report. Condon was a nuclear physicist that worked on the Manhattan project

Stanton Friedman-Nuclear physicist, one of the leader in UFOLOGY. He is a key investigator of Roswell and Area 51.

Dr. Richard Hines--Works for NASA, he specializes in pilot sightings, he worked as an air crash consultant.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek--Ohio astronomer worked with the Air force on UFO projects. He worked with the Air Force from 1948-1969 He then created the Center for UFO Studies(CUFOS) in 1973 with fellow scientists. Dr. Hynek died in 1986.

Dr. Carl Jung-The first psychiatrist to write about UFO''s just before his death in 1961 discussing in particular their effects on the subconscious dreams and the collective consciousness of mankind.

Major Donald Keyhoe-Retired Marine, who because of his contacts was fed information about early gov't study of UFO's. Propelled ufology into a belief in a gov't coverup for over 30 yrs until his death in 1988.

Professor John Mack- Harvard medical School Psychiatrist that entered the UFO debate in 1991. Professor Mack risked his reputation in front of peer review to champion abductees and suggest that they were part of some alien sociological transformation of humanity

Major Jesse Marcel- Intelligence officer who collected the debris from the Roswell crash site. He believed the debris came from a UFO and stood by that story until his death in 1986.

Hector Quintanilla-USAF major that ran Project Blue book from 1963-1969

Dr. Kenneth Ring-Psychologist at the University of Connecticut. He has made a comparative analysis of witnesses to NDE's and abductions and found so many patterns in common that they do seem to be closely related phenomena.

Edward J. Ruppelt-Head or Project blue Book in the mid 1950's, he invented the term UFO

Dr. Jacques Vallee-One of the most famous ufologist....worked with Dr. Hynek.

Bob Lazar-- In June of 1982 Bob Lazar was working as a physicist at Los Alamos National Lab's in New Mexico. When Lazar left left Los Alamos in 1998 he send his resume to a Nevada company that had government contracts, the company was EG&G(Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier). Lazar says he was interviewed and hired by agents from the office of Naval Intelligence(ONI). Lazar was hired t work on an advanced propulsion system. Lazar was taken to Area 51 where he thought he would be working to another site15 miles away known as S-4. Once he was working Lazar fund out that it would be his job to reverse engineer the power plant from a UFO. Lazar worked at S-4 from DECEMBER 1998-April 1989. During that time, he claims to have seen UFO's and Aliens at Area 51 and S-4.