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Fort Stamford 10-19-99

Time: 10:45
Investigators: Lyn Lukacs, Scott Moore, Jon Nowinski, Lisa Tilson, Jennifer Brown
Weather: Overcast and cold
Equipment: Video Camera, Tape Recorder, Thermometer, Compass(3)
Audio Tape: Micro Cassette(60 minutes)
Video Tape: VHS 8mm (120 minutes)
Thermometer: Standard (merc.) 50 degrees

Phenomena witnessed by investigator

10:47-- compass spinning in field
-AA batteries for tape recorder didn't work in pit, but worked in car
10:50-- front entrance(garden) - compass pointed out north as to the right
-clicking heard coming from garden by Jon, Lisa, and Lyn
10:55-- Shadow moving near monument - moving side to side
-heard bats in garden
-horizontal light in front field
11:00-- small shadow seen in back of garden
-shadow movement near car and video camera
-more clicking in time with falling trees
11:06-- temp drop to 40 degrees
-sound of running water - when facing garden to the right
-charred wood in field 11:11-- shadow standing between Jon, Lisa, and Lyn and near the car
-third person seen sitting in car with Jen and Scott
-small finger/thumb prints on side of car where person was seen sitting
11:21-- found cross, possible "X", in field
11:23-- Zippo would not light near rock in front of field - possibly where house was built
-whispering all around
-footsteps in garden
-Lyn felt someone standing to her right while taking notes in the field - thought it was Lisa, but it wasn't
11:30-- child laughing near garden
-toy Jon left on rock pointing toward the pit was turned upside down
-laughing near car - possibly Scott and Jen talking in car
-heard marching, breaking branches near car and then spotted shadow running from car

NOTE:: Something (young boy?) is very interested in the car and equipment we bring. Shadow was seen near video camera and car and near Lyn "watching" her take notes - trying to figure out what all the equipment does - why we are interested in his home

Audio Review

The audio tape review has revealed a voice while recorder was in the pit. A woman or possibly young boy was heard saying "on fire," as well as a ticking sound.