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Pine Grove Cemetary Report 9-28-99

Phenomena Witnessed by Investigator

Time: 10:35 p.m.-- Shadow on ground where distinct presense felt
Time: 10:37 p.m.-- Small bright, fading light
Time: 10:42 p.m.-- Distinct male voice saying "God bless you."
Time: 10:46 p.m.-- While Scott talking about Col., same male voice rambling about killing friend by accident
Time: 10:48 p.m.-- Different male voice saying "That's okay."
Time: 10:56 p.m.-- Shadow spotted walking on hill
Time: 11:05 p.m.-- Conversation with Col. and Lt.
Time: 11:13 p.m.-- Warning to leave heard from Col.

Theory of Investigator

Preliminary Theory: Definate presense- hoping for visible spirits. Noted sightings of Civil War soldier's spirit exist. Hoping for visibility in picutres and video.

Final Theory: Friendly spirits- not camera friendly. Civil War soldiers- 2 distinct male voices. One voice identified as Col., one identified as Lt. Unsure as to reason of warning. Col. seen in shadow form- talkative but cynical, soft but stern voice. Lt.- quiet, not very talkative Upon warning, more shadows began to appear and single voice became a babbling.

Lyn's Remarks:
Hearing drums, horses, someone walking near group while walking in lower part of cemetary, possible gunfire. Smell of maple syrup in and around car while leaving.

Final Record
Rolls of Film Used: 2
Audio Tapes Used: 1
Video Tape Used: 45 minutes
Number of Psychic Photos: 2
Phenomena Captured on Film: 3

Film Review

Shadow in camera flash
Face/arm ?? in camera flash
Two lights, red and blue

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