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Last Updated: 3/24
Info Sections: 9
Images: 209
Other Files: 29
Welcome to Mad Gohan's Dragon Ball Z Page! I'd like to take this chance to thank you for visiting my little known page. If you're a first time visitor, I'll give you a little idea content you will find on this DBZ site. As you can see, there are five sections -- Home, Site Stuff, Information, Multimedia, and Fans. The Home section, is well, simply the main page, what you're at right now. You'll find the latest updates and some other information on this page. Site Stuff is simply some features on this site that don't fit into the other categories, the Update Articles Archive, About Site, and the Links section. In Information, you will find hordes of information typed by me, including Saga Summaries, Characters, Misc. Information, and (coming soon) Movies. The Multimedia is for your viewing pleasure, and it contains hundreds of original Images, as well as Audio. I plan on developing the Multimedia page a great deal very soon, as it will have Movie Clips, MP3s, and more (as soon as I move to my own domain name). And lastly, in the Fans section you will find Fan Contribution and an Interaction section, the Fan Contribution consisting of Fanarts and "Other" (Fanfictions, Editorials, Reviews), and the Interaction consisting of my Guestbook and Quizzes... So go out there, explore the site, and have fun! Email me at


March 24, 5:34 p.m. -
     Sorry guys, but I'm retiring this page, along with my new one. To everyone who has visited, thanks, it was great.

February 28, 12:11 a.m. -
     Dragon Ball Z Movie Network has moved! It's new location is at Not all the sections are up yet, but now that I have the space to work with, they will be up soon. Also, there is a new link to Vegeta's Domain.

February 24, 8:27 a.m. -
     Well, why haven't I been updating this page lately? Because I have been working on a new one! Click here to see it (this is it's temporary location). The counter is fake, I just put it there to see what it would look like (I made the counter in Paint). You may be asking, "Does this mean you will never update this page again?" The answer to that is no, I still will be updating this page, just not as frequently as I used to. I want to finish the Information section, and add a few other things to the other sections. Well, that's it.

February 17, 10:32 p.m. -
     New editorial up, the one I promised from last update. Also, a link to Planet Saiya has been added. Check out this site now!

February 15, 12:24 a.m. -
     I have really been neglecting this site lately, haven't I? I'm sorry guys, but to tell you the truth, I'm almost getting bored with this site. I think I made a terrible mistake on it, which I will probably write up an editorial on. Anyways, there is a new link to DragonBall Matrix, a great and original site.

Contacts and Viewing

     This page is best viewed on a 800 x 600 screen resolution. Any other resolution may make the page look disorganized, distorted, or other bad stuff. Internet Explorer 4.0 + best views this page, and you should probably have Javascript enabled, however there is very little on this page. Oh, and if you're annoyed with the Angelfire pop-up, here's a trick -- Keep the window open, just leave it behind the actual page, and it won't pop up again. You can just click out of it when you leave my page.

     If you would like to contact me, I would love if you e-mailed me at Or, IM me. My screen name is MadGohan13. Or, if you are lazy, just sign the guestbook. If you want another way to contact me, my home number is 1-203-26... whoops, nevermind. But no matter what form of communication you use to get in touch with me, all comments, compliments, and suggestions are appreciated!

Support Me

     Well, if you really like this page, the best way to support me is... to give me some compliments. Little encouragements like that really give me a good motive to work on this site, and it ensures me that some people out there are enjoying and appreciating my hard work. Please send me some e-mails! And, spread the word about this site! Although the page is already on many search engines (or it will be soon), I need more people to mention my site. Post the URL up on message boards, e-mail it to your friends, whatever. And, if you do see a search engine without my site listed, feel free to submit my URL. You can link to my site, and I will link back (more information in the About Site section). And if you do support me in any way, you have no idea how much I appreciate it -- In order for me to keep this site running, I need viewer support, and you are really helping.

Vote for my site in SS3XGoku's website contest!

     Please do not take any files from this site(excluding the MIDIs), without my permission, as they were all created by me. If you want any for your webpage, ask first! Email me with the subject "Permission".