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Hey guys! Here are some pictures of friends, family and other random things. If any of you have any pics you'd like to see here, just send them to me!

Click Here to see pics from the WEEZER concert!

Pics from The Importance of Being Earnest

Here's my favorite tennis player Kori Ounjian!!!! She goes to Tulane and lives all the way down in Florida! ENTRARE ha ha ha! Miss you running down the hall to visit....good luck with T and P!

Chris. Words cannot describe how much I love this boy! Forever Princess and Pony!!! Never let us go to Broadway shows, we close em!

Chris and I in NYC when we met Nickel Creek on the Early Show!

My CONDEMNED dorm I used to live in at Tulane.

Andy Kirby as Einstein in "Picasso at the Lapin Agile.

Alan, Ken and I..The "Picasso" crew

Zac as Joe!

Here's one of bestest friends in the whole world, Zac Janetatos, playing Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat this summer for Break-A-Leg Productions at Pomfret School!

More Joseph......

I love my Zackers lol:-p


Graduation from NFA. FINALLY lol. June 19th, 2002


Here's my friend Aaron Keith pretending to be a thug....

Aaron and company at prom

Chris and I watching Nickel Creek

Here are Chris and I at the CBS Early Show in NYC. (Well--here you can see the back of our heads!!!) We got up @ the ass crack of dawn to get down there for 7am to see Nickel Creek, a really good country/bluegrass band. They're really popular right now too...check out Nickel Creek's Website

Look to the far left. Yep, that's me. Attractive, huh? My dad taped the show at home, then paused it and took pictures with his digital camera and sent them to me!!!lol

Ashole St.Jean

Here's Ashley St.Jean and me at the Jake's Women cast party. She played me at a younger age in the show so we got the nicknames "Dr. Evil" and "Mini Me" lol! -We had an awesome summer--Weezer concert, WAAAAAAAMATTTT, lunchables, scary ppl in parking lots...the list goes on. Love ya Ash!

Jenn and Ash

Here are Me, Jennifer Trainor, and Ash again at the Jake's Women cast party!

Sarah D!!!

Here's Sarah and I. I think this was taken @ the Miss New London County Pageant. Some ppl think we're sisters lol. Love ya Sarah! Good Luck @ Temple:)


Here's my friend Andrew. This is when I was in Jack the Ripper (yes, that skull is me). Andrew did backstage work and helped me bear through all the suffering!


Here's Mike Fontaine, makeup artist extraordinaire. He's gonna win big awards some day:) Yup, this was his face on Halloween (niiiiiice)


Vaus and I on Halloween outside the Courthouse.

Amity and Shawn

Here's a couple of friends of mine, Amity and Shawn who live way out in CA! I used to work with Shawn at Old Sturbridge Village way back in the day. Congrats on the wedding!

Sleepy Rusty



Here's my cat Rusty. He got caught in a tree the first year we had him! He ran up and he's cross-eyed, so he couldn't see the way back down!

Senior Pics

Here's a pic of my high school, NFA, at night when the cherry blossoms are blooming.

Here's a pic of my Dad's cat Millie. p>

Here's my friend Kathy's kids. Michelle is in the mask, Melissa is Minnie Mouse and Nathan is the fireman!


Here's a picture from "On With the Show" that I did with The Windham Theatre Guild in March. My friend Myke who was in the show also did my hair for all this witch stuff (Thanx Myke!!!!) He altered this pic on his comp! Don't I look possessed?!?!? I absolutely love this pic!!!

Go here for pics from "A Tale of a Whaler", the play I was in this past summer at Mystic Seaport!!! A Tale of a Whaler

Here are some more pics from my various plays (They are also found on "My Latest Play" page)

"Jake's Women" "Pride and Prejudice" "Picasso at the Lapin Agile" "Macbeth" Lantern Light Tours "Jack the Ripper" "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" "Stanton's Garage" "Noises Off" "Cabaret" "On With the Show" "Crimes of the Heart" "Sound of Music" "Wizard of Oz" "My Emperor's New Clothes"