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You can give you character certain bonuses in creation with perks. They all cost creation points but can be extremely useful:


Light Sleep - Awakens you every time someone enters the room and you are asleep
Genius - You skills can increase higher than the normal percentage.
Ambi-dex - You can dual wield weapons of the same weight, also rumored to give and additional hand to hand attack.
Combat sense - Helps you in combat somehow, no specifics yet
Lucky - Higher luck
Rich - You gain a certain amount of gold every tick
Fast - Haste's little brother. Your are quicker than most others.
God Blessed - When you use your favor it comes back a little quicker.
Translator - The ability to understand all languages
Danger Sense - No Info, send me some ;)
Questor - Makes you more successful at questing
Gifted - You increase your knowledge faster
Robust - Provides a boost to your physical form
Leader - A leader can control more followers