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  Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. Write that down.

  • My Secret Place Theme Song

    My Secret Place

  • "Please. Help me find a place. Somewhere far away. Yes, I'll go and you'll never see me again."

    WTC - prior to 9-11

    My Brother Tim's Band

    Song of the Week - Taproot - Poem

    Buy the CD Today

    My Favorite Concert Ever!!!

    Creed July 24th
    @ Meadows Music Theatre

    My Car

    Click Here To Sign My Guestbook
    Click Here To View My Guestbook

    Places to Wander

    Who is Ryan Brayne? (A Message from your Provider)

    My DVD Collection

    Where Have you Gone? (Different Places I've Been including Pictures)

    Movie Quotes Page (Whose Line is it Anyway?)

    A Picture Says A Thousand Words (The Funny Picture of the Week)

    Sweet Links Page (Other Web Sites of Interest)



    page last updated: 08/11/02