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It used to be that software and hardware companies got away with murder. You know the ones. They pretend to provide support for their customers. What they really provide is a shoddy pretense of what software or hardware support should be. These companies believe that there is a shortcut around good customer service. They either have a weak product to support, or they actually believe that if they can just befuddle their "problem" customers with tactics like: changing support numbers, voice mail hell, endless waits on hold, surly, incompetent "technical support" personnel, and a general dis-respect, that these "problem" customers will just go away. They've been able to "get away" with this up until now because every customer was alone when he was pleading with them for assistance. They were at their mercy.

With WEB POWER, customers will never be alone again !

We will use the full and awesome power of the World Wide Web to put every customer on an even playing field when dealing with a company. Through the use of various methods, we will empower customers and encourage dialog. We will not be shy about naming names and pointing fingers if our investigation shows deliberate deceit or an obvious attempt to avoid a problem. We will provide ways for customers to share their experiences with others to show a common problem or bug, and thus give evidence to the seriousness of a problem and therefore show it's link to the product. Too often, customers have been blamed for having faulty hardware, bad systems, conflicts with other software, etc, in general, allowing the unscrupulous to claim that they've "never seen this problem before", "it must be a problem with your equipment", etc. No more. The numbers of customers with the same problem will be plain for all to see ! The bad guys will be forced to address their problems or face the wrath of a group of dis-satisfied customers (not to mention the rest of the world watching this all unfold on the Internet !) who will know who the culprit is ! In fact, we will support every effort of customers to get satisfaction from a company shirking it's responsibilities, up to and including the filing of class action lawsuits to settle an issue. However, those that think we are here to support the "bashing" of any company or individual are being warned now that this will not be tolerated.

You may be asked by us to verify your identity. We may also ask that you prove that you own the product in question, in a manner acceptable to us. Please don't become offended by these requests. If we didn't need it, we wouldn't ask. If you don't like the terms of our service, (and it's your responsibility to find out what they are), then please don't use it!

Also, since there are many issues and expenses involved here you may be asked to contribute some funds to help defray costs. Don't worry, we'll make every reasonable effort to ask you before expenses are accrued to you or your group of affected customers. In other words, if you aren't willing to contribute towards a particular coarse of action or tactic, you will be dropped from that one. This doesn't mean, necessarily, that you will be dropped from that group.

We will try to present fairly any issue that customers bring to our attention. If we find that someone is abusing this policy, they will be removed and not allowed to participate in the future. We don't care who you think you are. While we will be advocates, we are not representatives of any kind and may not be held liable for any outcome whatsoever. We believe that customers are both more intelligent and understanding than they are given credit for, and if companies would only realize that if they were open and honest with their customers from the beginning, any problem can be resolved without nearly so much headache on either side. Speaking of "sides", we believe that the perception that the customer/company relationship is an adversarial one is part of the problem. It is even ultimately self-defeating for a company to suggest that once a customer has paid his money, the less spent to keep him happy, the higher the "profits". This is corporate judgement at it's worst. It is a well-known fact that it costs much more to gain new customers (through huge expenses in advertisement, etc.) than it does to keep the ones you've got. It is also a truth that a customer with a bad experience tells on the average- 12 other people !. So you see, that companies should be good to their customers in their own best interest ! We will see to it. We will also provide space to companies that can show that they put forth an honest effort to satisfy their customers. They have been, and continue to be, victims as well because they get painted with the same brush of criticism as the offenders, even though they are doing the right things and not getting recognized for it. No more. Only companies that have a more than satisfactory customer service rating will be allowed to participate here. They will also have to meet certain access criteria, such as providing an interactive support forum where problems can be openly discussed and replies posted promptly. The ones that do make the grade, however, will be showing the world that there is a difference.