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Victor Cristofaro

EDUC 507

Fall 1998





 Welcome to my reading portfolio. Throughout the semester, we have studied the various philosophies and approaches to reading. In the various projects that we have completed, we have had the opportunity to collect artifacts that relate to our course work. These artifacts combined with additional research have been put together to create a portfolio. My portfolio has been put together on this web page. This web page includes a collection of my work, which exhibits my progress in developmental reading. Although the primary goal of my portfolio is to exhibit my growth in developmental reading, by organizing my work in a web page, I have created a secondary goal. My secondary goal of this portfolio was to familiarize myself and become better acquainted with the Internet. This secondary objective made my portfolio much more challenging, and in many ways, much more exciting. Teachers everyday provide students with various opportunities to learn. It is crucial that teachers use different modalities and avenues to teach their students. More and more we are starting to understand that not all teaching occurs with textbooks. We have seen many examples of ways that teachers can incorporate learning into different activities. One example that we have been exposed to, was a teacher turned a trip to the grocery store, into an opportunity to reinforce students' reading skills. Likewise, this portfolio provided me with the opportunity to create a web page and learn about the Internet.

In this portfolio I will demonstrate my competence in the six course objectives.


Objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the reading process and language processes by analyzing various philosophies of reading and language acquisition.

Objective 2: Analyze the following principals and concepts in developmental reading: reading process, word identification, phonemic awareness, comprehension development, reading assessment, and organization and management of reading programs.

Objective 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship, which exists between a teacher's philosophy of reading/language acquisition and the ensuing reading program.

Objective 4: Access and use the Internet, computer software, and other more traditional sources. 

Objective 5: Demonstrate the ability to design short term instructional plans in language arts.

Objective 6: Demonstrate an ability to use critical thinking skills, questioning and problems solving techniques, and encourage and maintain a supportive and cooperative community environment in this class.



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