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  Available Debates:  Toilet Paper Debate | Sauce/Gravy Debate | Clothes Pin Debate | Shower Curtain Debate | "en'vuh'lope"/"ahn'vuh'lope Debate | Glass Storage Debate |



To the Musical Extravaganza that is The Number of Clothes Pins Debate.

Linda Sue and I debated this issue on various occasions. I say "Use only 4 clothes pins to hang 3 towels on the line", so as not to waste clothes pins and get more clothes on the line. Linda Sue says "Use 6 clothes pins" so that the corners all dry at the same time and not tangle together. Now it's your turn to VOTE. Thanks, Ray

SO, which way should you hang towels,
with "4 PINS" or "6 PINS"?

This is the fifth in a series of debate issues that we have found seem to go unanswered.

And now, my friends, the decision is yours. What do you think is the right way to hang 3 towels?

Remember, there can be only one answer, "undecided" just won't cut it. OUR point is: Don't be a wuss, take a stand. Tell us WHY in our GUESTBOOK.


Here is where the CLOTHES PINS question
WILL be answered.

Please add your two-cents worth to this question. . .

In order to enter your opinion, Click either the "4 PINS" or "6 PINS" buttons under the CLOTHES PIN below. This will add a "VOTE THAT COUNTS". We also ask that after registering your vote, that you also make an entry into our GUESTBOOK expressing WHY you voted the way you did. This will be fun for ALL to review!

Also, we have a couple of "Un-Official Rules":

  • Only ONE entry per site visit PLEASE per topic (let's keep this a FAIR tally), BUT you can try to and SEE what happens.
  • Please be polite, and make all remarks pertinent to the subject. If you don't like our page or others responses, you can write accordingly, but we will delete them if considered offensive to others viewing our GUESTBOOK. If you must type something that is not pertinent, be PRUDENT!
  • Give a hoot, don't pollute, and Help keep our TP GUESTBOOK PAGE looking good.
  • BOOKMARK this page, add it to your links list, make it FAMOUS!.


    Now that the site has been up for a while, visit the GUESTBOOK,
    Some of the comments are simply HILARIOUS !


    Thanks to all of those who took the time to enter this survey and sign our GUESTBOOK.

    We have set up our links page. If you plan to link to our site, let me know at my email address below.
    We will ONLY include reciprocal links to those folks who wish to link to us. Thanks

      Available Debates:  Toilet Paper Debate | Sauce/Gravy Debate | Clothes Pin Debate | Shower Curtain Debate | "en'vuh'lope"/"ahn'vuh'lope Debate | Glass Storage Debate |

    Email: raymond_liuzzo@hotmail.com