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Me Poetry Pages

Me Poetry Pg 1






Me Poetry Pg 2






Me Poetry Pg3






Me Poetry Pg 4






Me Being in Words

I thought I would do a little intro into my poetry since I seem to get alot of email and questions surrounding it. I shouldnt really be too surprised since my poetry has been getting reactions since I started writing when I was 10. Believe it or not I can actually remember what my first poem was about, bees! I remember my teacher giving me a pad of paper and saying that if I ever needed to get something out or an indea down that I was to write it on that pad of paper. Well, nearly 14 yrs later I haven't stopped writing. I never knew why I started. Never imagined where my writing would take me and the reactions and impact it would make on people.

I got serious about my writing back when I was in highschool. I wasn't the happiest teenager and I had alot of issues to deal with. I wasn't much for sticking up for myself or talking back to others so instead of speaking my mind, I wrote it. I still do. Everyone has something they do to blow off steam, to relax, calm themselves. When life gets shitty we all deal differently. I write. Its what I do. Its who I am. I've always pretty much gotten the same reaction out of people who read my poetry. They either can relate, are blown away by it or think Im just down right crazy. Im not crazy. Im just able to word feelings and emotions well. All these poems were written in a matter of mins. I remember where I was, who the poems are about and how exactly I was feeling at that moment. All my poems reflect how I felt at that exact moment. Not how I feel now. I think people need to remember that.

Anyways, I have over 500 poems and I am slowly adding new ones everyday. I dont write as much now as I did. Mainly cause Im a happier person now. Also cause Ive learned to speak up for myself. Alot of people have been very surprised that I am willing to expose myself this much. To show you inside of myself. But to be honest I have hidden this stuff for so long. Ive been quiet for so long. Im tired of it. Im not ashamed of who I use to be and what I did. I can only learn from it. I hope you can too :)