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Jessica & Roo's Ultimate Sugar Glider Home Page! :-)
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Jessica & Roo's Ultimate Sugar Glider Home Page! :-)

Here I am on the Piano!

If You Would Like To See Where Ecco Lives Click Here

Hey. This is Roo, and my page was just updated! Have a look around!!! Sincerely, Roo the Sugar Glider & Her Owner Jessica P.S. Please scroll down all the way before you leave, we have tons of stuff in store for you, so it may be down at the bottom, check it out when you get a chance. You can
e-mail me,
Roo anytime you want, I REALLY love getting mail. I will try to answer every single question that somebody asks me, but remember, I am a very busy sugar glider. Here is my e-mail address:

Please Visit My Chat Room To Meet Other Glider Lovers ~ A few specific times have been set up for the chat room. Please be there at either 6:00 am, 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm, or 9:00pm, I can not say that someone will be there, but I will try to be there and I will spread the word of our times.
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Use My Message Board To Ask Questions, Tell Stories, & Get Answers To Your Questions About Sugar Gliders Read & Post Messages in the BoardRoom  
Before You Leave My Page I Would Love It If You Signed My Guestbook with Comments, Advice, or Anything Else.
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This Exotic Pets Around The Net site is owned by
Jessica Bruen & Roo The Sugar Glider.

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Discovery.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Top 10 Reasons To Get A Sugar Glider

Roo's Recommended Links For Glider Lovers

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
One Of The Best Places To Learn With & Communicate With Other Glider People
Glider Island - A GREAT Place to Chat or Just Learn About our Little Friends
GLIDER NET ~ A great glider page with every link imaginable.
