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100% *N Sync

*~*~*~*~Last Updated: July 16, 1999~*~*~*~*

Hey All!! Hey Guys!!! I have SOOO much to update ya on!!! Well where shall we about this...I MET *N SYNC!!!! Details coming soon!! I went up to pittsburgh and stayed on their floor and everything!! Way too cool!! What else...CHRIS KIRKPATRICK signed my g-book!! Those little things do come in handy!! Check out entry 49 for yourself!! Thanks for being patient with me for not updating in like @ WEEKS!! I'll do better, I promise!!

How's it going! My name is Shannon and as ya guessed, this is a site all about those guys of *N Sync!! I am slowly changing the look of this site, so be prepared!! There are some new things to see on the site!!! I just added new group pics and JC pics! I also added a "Resident Hotties" section. If you're wondering what it's about, go and check it out!!! You can win my award, add a great link, voice your opinion on Britney Spears(based on the results, I will add a new segment to the site!! So far you all pretty much don't like her!!!So I'm happy), and just do a whole lotta things!!! So, enjoy your stay and keep it *n sync!!!!

PULEASE folks, if you have a moment, I'd luv ya 4 ever if you voted for my little site!! Thank u much!!!

This website was created on March 2, 1999.

~*~*~Do you haveThe Box? You can request #442 "I Drive Myself Crazy" by clicking here

Keep *N Sync at Number 1!!!!! Vote for them on TRL!!

Table of Contents

*Meet the Guys
*N the Beginning
*Send a friend a card!!
*Win My Award
*My Awards!!!
*Create a story featuring *N Sync
*Photo Gallery
*Take a little poll
*Are you really an *N Sync fan
*The Latest Info
*Does Spears really suck???
*Picture of the Month
*Picture of the Day
*Get your free email addy
The Trading Post
*Where are they Now?
*Fan of the Month
*My Favorite *N Syncer
*Join my *N Sync Club
*My Webring Family
*Join my webring
*About Me!!!
*Link Me, Baby!
Resident hotties!!

Hey you, have you signed my guestbook???? I'd luv it if ya did!!!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Did you see *N Sync in concert, but didn't take any pictures...You can order them from The Fan Association.

Hey!! I'm looking for some sister sites!! If you have an *n sync site and want to be one of my sister sites, please e-mail me!!!

Coming Soon: "I Met JC!!!" ~ see pics from when I got to meet JC during X-mas break!!!, more pics ~ Macy's@NYC, live concert pics, and more!!!


i'm a justin girl?

i'm a jc girl?

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If you have anything you want to send, stories, suggestions, comments, whatever, e-mail me!! As always, I totally appreciate your input, it makes my site better!!!

ŠThe Crunk 'N Stuff Connection 1999