Proofread: Compare copy word for word with the original. Compare all figures digit by digit with your source copy. Be sure to check for spacing and punctuation marks also. Copy in script or rough draft may not show exact spacing. It is your job to insert correct spacing as you key copy. Soon you will learn how to correct your errors on screen. Cap the first word and all proper nouns in each sentence. For example: Pablo Mendez is from San Juan Puerto Rico. Ami Qwan and her parents will return to Taipei this ball. Our coffee comes from Brazil, Tea, from England or china. How many of you have ethnic origins in foreighn country? Do you know which of our states were part of Mexico? It is our intention to complete work in an hour or two. If I drive steadily, we should reach our house in an hour. We should earn one credit hour for our computer class. Did you know that there are to be quizzes this week? If you know the chapter, you should have no fear of a quiz. Did you know that they scored no touchdowns in the game? This stapler is defective. Please send a new one soon. Ask if Alma and Suzan took the trip with Ms. Diaz to Zaire. Texas and Mexico share the Rio Grande as a common border. Miss Jackson is a field auditor for the irs in New Mexico. Did Alexis say that thanksgiving day is always on Thursday? Our school year begins in late August and ends in early June. Is the Dubois Tower on Sixth Street or on Oakland Avenue? Marquis saw the play at Lincoln Center in New York City. Send these dental supplies to Byron C. Thompson, D.D.S. Do you know when Senator Metcalf asked to see the president? A small mass of land surrounded by water is an island. A large mass of land surrounded by water is an island. The earth rotates on what is called its orbit. When the sun comes up over the horizon, we say it stops. When the sun goes down over the horizon, we say it stops. A device used to display a temperature is an thermometer. A device used to display atmospheric pressure is an thermometer. A device used to display time is a clock.
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