The Cast of Friends Blows Monkey Ass!
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The Cast of Friends Blows Monkey Ass!

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Do you ever have a sudden urge to throw up when you hear the friends theme song? I do. When I was looking at the other I hate friend web sites a was sickened by how bad they were. These people don't even come close to hating the friends as much as I do, so I started this page. If you feel that your overwhelming love for the Friends will keep you from truly enjoying this site, I urge you to leave NOW! This is no place for weak people like you. Sadly I have to say there was a time in my life when I too watched the most hideous waste of time and money on television. Which was how I began to hate them. At first it was the lack of anything even adequete on the show, then it happened...THE HAIR. I remember standing there helpless while many of my stupid friends got "The Friend's Cut." Why not the bowl cut, the Dorthey Hamill anything but that. I was so tramatized by that event that I planned to seek revenge and find others like me who wanted them DEAD!

Plots for the show Friends

Spice Girls Blow Monkey Ass!
Hanson Blows Monkey Ass!
Backstreet Boys Blow Monkey Ass!
Yanni, Kathie Lee Gifford and John Tesh all Blow separate Monkie's Asses!
