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Welcome to Alex Kingston Online, the website devoted to the wonderful actress, Alex Kingston!

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17 December 1999: I never got a reply from Angelfire, so who knows? I'm Christmas shopping today (*I will not wait this long next year, I will not wait this long next year*) and then I'm off to New York for four days so when I get back I'll try and get the pictures back up. Also, Alex will be on Letterman on Monday, December 20th. Check it out if you can. ;)

10 December 1999: Happy holidays everyone! I was going to get some stuff up from when Alex was hosting The List, but we have a problem. It seems that somehow one of the directories that was the main picture directory has been deleted. I'm waiting for a response from Angelfire to try and find out what happened. So, I'm off to search for the pictures again, because I wouldn't have been smart enough to have them all on backup, now would I? If anyone has any of the pictures from the site saved, it would be great if you could send them along to or

29 November 1999: Not really an update, but Alex is hosting VH1's The List all this week. Five different shows, one each day of the week. It's on VH1 every day at 7 and 11 PM.

27 November 1999: Alex has done two commericals for NBC's "The More You Know". You can see the commericals by going to the downloads page. There's also a picture there.

24 November 1999 [later ...]: I forgot to mention this. Alex took part in the Millenium Art Exhibit. To see her picture, click here. :)

24 November 1999: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Five new pictures up on the second pictures page, a new background in the downloads section, and a new calendar wallpaper for the month of December. Enjoy!

December Wallpaper

800x600 or 640x680

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Hey! Guess what? We aren't affiliated with Alex Kingston, nor are we her. We're just crazed fans and we promise not to hurt anyone!