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Angelique232's Corner of the Web

Hi and welcome to my little place on the web. It's not much, but hey it's mine. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out. For those of you who have been asking me to update my site, here it is!! **S** I have spent a great deal of time sorting through pictures and trying to decide what ones I will put on here. I have some of myself and my late brother Donald. Unfortunately, I don't have many of him. I miss him dearly, and I know that he is always with me. The best pictures that I have are on here. I would have put some of my friends from home on here, but I don't think that they would appreciate their pics plastered on the net! But, heck nowadays who doesn't? Well, with the exception of myself.**L** I am a proud mother to 2 daughters. Whom I love with all of my heart. They are my whole life and they teach me more about myself every day. I love you babies!! I'm a major WWF fan and won't miss a night of wrestling when it's on.**L** I occasionally get some free time to chat and my handle is Angelique232. This pic is usually bedside my handle.... By the way, I just want to say hi to my best friend, who is my anchor in the sea of life. Without you, life would not be complete.**S**
Photo Gallery
Here are some pics that I wanted to include, that are of important times and people in my life...enjoy!

I Will Remember You

sung by Sarah Maclachlin
~Starts with chorus~
I will remember you,
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away when things got bad.
How clearly I first saw you smilin at the sun,
Wanna feel your warmth upon me,
I wanna be the one.
I'm so tired
But I can't sleep.
Standin on the edge of somethin
Much too deep.
It's funny how we feel so much,
But we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside
But we can't be heard
I'm so afraid to love you,
But more afraid to lose
Clingin to a past
That doesn't let me choose.
Once there was a darkness
Deep and endless night,
You gave me everything thing you had
Oh you gave me light.
~chorus to fade~

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

  • So Easy, fast, and fun! I couldn't believe it!!

Please visit these sites....

A page I dedicate to the one person whom I could never forget
This is for my brother
Who wants to win some MONEY?!
The place to go if you are one of the Millions and Millions of The Rock's fans....
Angelfire's homepage where you can build a free website.
Hey, ya need some music in your life....check out MTV
great games like slots and blackjack you can win a lot of cool stuff for FREE
For the kid in all of us
Ready to reunite with old friends from your school?
A site devoted totally to moms!!
Great chat! Over 100 rooms to choose from