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Jamila Wideman & The Spice Girls

Welcome! You've come across one of thee best pages! I've set up some Additional Information about Jamila, the greatest point guard to ever live, (since many of you have no clue who she is)( I also think Marcy Glenny is a kick ass point guard for UConn and she's a really cool person.) some Jamila News (if you like to keep updated on her) and some Mel C news and Spice news. (I've pretty much given up on the Spice news all together so don't bother, it's really old.) You'll also find some of thee best links for Jamila Wideman, the Spices and Melanie Chisholm (b.k.a. Sporty Spice). I hope you enjoy the sites I've provided, have fun!

Yea Swim Team!! DPS Baby!! It's OK! I'm a swimmer!! And to all of my friends who have put up with me for however long, just want you to know I luv ya!

I've got the page with the latest, most up to date Spice Girls News page, it's on here, check it out! Come back for more updates!

I finally got the horoscopes changed, please don't take it personally, I'm just trying to get a rise out of ya baby, s***s and giggles, you know.

I'd just like to dedicate this page to my grandmother who passed away, I want everyone to know that I loved her very much and I miss her dearly. You never realize what you have is so great until you don't have it anymore. Unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way, never take life for granted.

My Favorite Links

Jamila Wideman - Perfect 10
Jam at Stanford
Sports for women features Spoon n' Jam
Hoop Girls: Meeting Jamila
100% Melanie C!!
All the Spice Links in the World
Spice Universe
Check out my page in Jive

Additional Information

Click here to get Jam Info

Click here for Jam News

Click here for Mel C News

Click here for Spice News

My Beloved Quotes

Friendly Advice

Interesting Facts

If you'd like to add any Favorite Quotes, Friendly Advice or Intersting Facts of your own, just email them to me and give me your name, I'll be sure to put it on my page.


Monthly horoscopes for entertainment only. Parental discretion advised, just kidding.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Don't you be bustin' on Capricorns.

Times will seem hard, suck it up and deal.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) AQUARIANS RULE!

Troubles with a crush will worry you for a while, things will work out.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20)

Beware of Zombies this halloween, they have really bad breath, make sure you have a tic tac ready.

Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19)

Your face will suddenly break out due to enourmous amounts of stress, on the positive side, you won't have to buy a costume for halloween.

Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 20)

Got Milk?

Gemini (May 21 - Jun. 20)

You will take your dad's new car out for a little spin and end up coming home with they stick shift up your friends ass.

Cancer (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22)

An obsession with porno's will make you go crazy and lose all your friends.

Leo (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22)

Your parents will get mad at you for not paticular reason and ground you, don't run away, avenge their punishment.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

I don't know what to say.. um, you'll have good luck for a month, take advantage of it.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Your significant other will make a big move, deal with it in stride.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Bla Bla bla, girl power, feminism, do you know what I mean?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Is this the last one? um, ok, you'll buy something nice that will make everyone gelous of you, don't rub it in too much.

My Favorite Cartoon Characters


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