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TJ's anti-North Carolina page

Hooh Hah! Welcome to my page.

Listen up people! I need ideas! E-mail me your suggestions. The link's at the bottom of the page.

This page is entirely dedicated to the putting-down and distruction of the state of North Carolina.I have now officialy lived in this crappy state for 2 years.

Alot of poor, unfortunate people have been forced to move to this state. I am one of those people. My name is TJ. My mom moved down here for 3 reasons;

1)Things tend to be cheaper

2)Work is easier to get in NC

3)Education is better (where she heard this, I do not know)

Parents make mistakes, but none as serious as the one my mom made. She is the one who put me in this low-life society of scum. Yet, I don't blame her. How can you blame someone about something if they don't know what they are doing? You can't. So, for all the people that are planing to move to NC, I include the REAL facts about NC.

1)Education. In short, it sucks. My school is so poor, we have a fundraiser every two months. Also, school dances cost $5 to get in! What an outrage!

2)It is true that work is easier to get in NC. But, this is bottom-of-the-ladder work. If you want to get a high-paying job, chances are slim.

3)Yes, things are cheaper in NC then in other states, but that is because they aren't made with as great care as in other states.

I hope this changes the outcome of anyone's decision to move to NC, and may God have pitty on their pathetic souls.

Click here to see the Southern dialect

Click here to see my Documantary on a Yokel

The flaws of North Carolina

Go to my shrine of Bethany, Connecticut

Got any comments or ideas? E-mail me about them!



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