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Chris Reeder's (aka) Goblin_Knight's Homepage

Hello everyone! My name is Chris. I'm from Tennessee and I am 20, be 21 in August. I'm the only spoiled child of my family. My mom's name is Pam and my dad's name is Terry. I have a few friends in this hick town they call Byrdstown. My friends and I are like family. Their names is Eric, Michelle, and Autumn. They are the coolest. I love music. I love to play the drums. Some of my favorite bands are Limp Bizkit, Creed, Korn, Pearl Jam, Candlebox, etc... I could go on and on! *laugh* Well this site has a long way to go before finished. I hope you all come back and check it out once more. Thanks for your time to read the page and have a nice day. Also, please sign my guestbook. There is a link at the bottom of the page among other great sites and links. Thanks and God bless you.

My hobbies and other favorites:

My Favorite Web Sites

This is where all the great music equipment is at discount prizes!!!
Limp Bizit's official website
This is a really great chat site where one can meet all sorts of people.
Live's official website.
This is where one can go and design their own club and join other clubs.
This site is where I basically play all of my online games. Try it sometime. I's fun!
This is a link to a great Christian site that you should check out.
This is a link to a great band known as "Papa Roach." Feel free to check it out.
This link is "" for any college students that want to visit this site. It's Cool!

News of the month!!!

HEY EVERYONE! My gosh!!! It has been so long since I have posted. I have been extremely busy!!! This past semester literally kicked my ass! But, I am glad to say that I did great in all of my classes. I am transferring to Tennessee Tech in the fall. I can't wait! I will be a sophmore, I only lack six credits being a junior. I am single for any ladies that want to get to know me. I am counting down the days to my 21st birthday. I will be 21 on August first. I was scheduled to get married on June 22nd of this year, but we all know how that went. I should have known better to be engaged to the same person twice. To be honest, I didn't want to give up school just yet, mainly because I have came this far already, so why quit uh? I always believed that if someone loves you, they will be willing to wait for you. I waited for her for a year before we got back together. I did love her with all my heart, and if she sees this, which she probably won't, "Amanda, I loved you, I was doing it for you, and someday you will regret it. Another girl will be living a life that you could have lived, but I still care about you, miss you, and I wish you luck." ANYWHO!!! Getting off of the sob story, I am back at Sunset for a third season. I'm glad to be back with all of my friends, and enjoying their company. I went to my first WWF (WWE, how GAY) pay per view in Nashville. It was called "Judgment Day" and for all of you fans, you know that. lol IT WAS AWESOME!!!! I seen Hulk Hogan, and Triple H, which are two of my favorites, and a "Hell In A Cell" match which I never thought I would ever see. Anywho, that is the news, and I hope to update more soon. I should be having pictures developed of when I colored my hair, it isn't like that anymore, but who knows of the possibilities!!! lolol You all take care and God bless!!! Buh bye for now!

Last updated June 2nd, 2002