Welcome to Friendship House Clubhouse

Welcome to Friendship House Clubhouse

Your Friendship House Masters Of Ceremonies

  • Lee,.Senior Cheif Recreational Therapist
  • Ms.Claudia,.Clubhouse President
  • Ms.Leticia,.Clubhouse Vice President
  • Ms. Jessie,.Clubhouse Secretary
  • Ms.Christina,. Treasury Execuitive.
  • Mr. Jaime,.Clubhouse Sargent at Arms
  • David C,.Tech. Logic Director
  • Our Internet Home Page Address angelfire.com/ct/friendshipL

Greetings friends. Welcome to our cluhouse! We will keep you posted and periodicly update new events. But whatever you do don't sneeze or you will definately miss something important going on around here.

Hi my name is Ms. Claudia and I'm your new elected Friendship House clubhouse president and Vice President of QAB. I would like to remind everyone about Pacific Clinics "Quality Assurance Board" it's made up of consumers and staff to bring inovative ideas to give all pacific clinic consumers high quality services. We continue to propose new ideas and programs and services within our clinics to benefit the mental happiness and well being of all our lives as a community entwined with caring mental health clinics. We also encourage participation in continuing mental health education for family members and consumers alike about mental disorders, and how the family unit can overcome the tramatic adversity of a loved one stricken with a mental illness. QAB meets every month the first Wednesday of the month for Orange County QAB and for Pasadena every third Wednesday of the month. If you would consider yourself for membership contact me so I can arange for your membership acceptance. And I have also donated coffee mugs for the clubhouse beverage enjoyment. I have many promising ideas to bring back from the QAB meetings that you should all be interested in.

Well we may not be the most beautiful site on the block,but we have the latest news and information about behavioral events in Orange County,for your convenience. We are proud to announce our Official...

Grand Open House

We are a clubhouse with members from every walk of life. Our club strives to be adventurers. We recently took a trip to San Diego Wild Animal Park located in the beautiful area of South San Diego California, the area is like going to the wilds of South Africa. We saw the new "WAGGASA TRAIL" exhibit that they have unveiled to the public. The exotic animals were exciting to watch located in a natural setting. Some of the animals were only to been seen at this exclusive park. We were fortunate to see endangered species like the Wild Horses of South East China, they were featured on the Discovery Channel. The horses are the very exact ones pictured on the cave walls of the Jurrassic period. They also feature the new Giant Panda Bears from the Rain Forest of the northern hills of China. They are planning a state of the art medical facility to treat the injured. OBGYN ward for mothering babies. Soon as the facility is built we can observe the new born babies as well as recuperating beasts and fowl.

The next big trip for us is the San Diego Zoo on October 4, 2001. We are also planning a return trip to the John Paul Getty Historical Museum scheduled for April 15,2001 SAT. The Getty Museum has been under renovation construction. With new plans for additional halls to exhibit new art & sculptures. The last time we visited they had a small hall for New Age Contempory art. They really need to expand. This should be very exciting, by the time we visit the new exhibit halls should be open. The trip to the museum was interesting.

(JOURNAL REPORT ON TRIP TO MUSEUM) We all had a fun time looking at all the art work. It made us appreciate the works of Master Artists & Craftsmen achievments of the highest level from the historical past. This time we were able to see more exibits that explained their origins, and took a look at the museum itself and saw how they positioned themselves in each gallery to use natural or incandecent lighting to better display the art work. Well the New Age Art Exibit was exspanded as planned. The main attraction a 3-D Film about Mexican-Chicano ethnic heritage in the Bario' the main character was a 57' Chevy Lowrider that jumped and hopped all over the screen to VATO music that rummbled through a JBL sound system, we put on our 3-D glasses and it was quite astonishing and amusing. What was most interesting to see is that the artist used three dimemsional cinamatography, a three sided film that gave the movie depth and realism, it made you feel that you were actually standing inside the film. I would highly recommend to you to go see this magnificent exibit.

I talked to one of the curators of the museum and they gave me some inside information. The Getty has two sites,the original located somwhere in Malibu is also under exspansion construction. Development designs are created from Mediterainean Art Deco style for the sculpture center, forum style presentations with large windows for natural lighting for better viewing for the statuesque lover in us all. I hope to visit there some day and see Venus de' Milo sculpted by Michaelo Angelo from the Luege'Gallery in France. If you went to see, it would take you seven months to see every exibit on display.


The Commitee for the 2001 Fun In The Sun Friends & Family Picnic "Talent Show",cordually invites everyone to come out Saturday and have fun 'n' the sun June 23,2001 from 10am.-3pm. Their planning to have this event at the same location on the corner of Fairview Blvrd.& Edinger Ave. In the city of Santa Ana. The plan calls for a talent show agenda this year examples range from,Kareoke,Live Music,Comedy,etc. Stupid Human Tricks. Many more sponsers are needed for this event this year,if you would like to donate "Time","Sponsorships","Resources" or audition an "Act" contact Geralyn Sperber at (714)493-6354. The Commitee has made a decision as to the propossed date on June 23, 2001 from 10am-4pm.,the fourth Saturday in the month of June. The motion was passed that the event would happen June 23th. on a Saturday as scheduled.

Auditions for Talent Show

Do you want to be in the Talent Show present us with your act.

Auditions are June 8,2001 from 10-2pm. CHAPMAN VILLAGE GUEST HOME (714)484-6524 Call closer to the 8th. of June because they won't know anything. It's on a you don't need to know basis till the actual day of the auditions. Pretty hush,hush stuff.SSSHHH!

Continuing Mental Health Educational Conferences, Workshops,Seminars,Lectures and Expos

Mental Health Care Exposition 2001 "Meeting of the Minds"

Health Care Exposition 2001 MAY 15,Tuesday 8-5pm. Is for anyone concerned about resource information on select mental health workshops. Networking for a healthier group of consumers. Awareness with an emphesis on educating the general public and those in mental health proffesions. Accredidation towards annual L.C.S.W.licence curriculem reqirements. This is free of charge and all are invited to attend by reservation. ~"Location"~Disneyland Hotel(Grand Ballroom,North Exibit Hall) 1717 South West St. Anaheim Ca,92802 (714)547-7559

(Journal Report)The Disney Hotel area has totally been remodeled to look like a candy coated Universal Studios Hollywood Walk of Fame. Dawning curly Toonville colored walls with 3-D shop banners, and dawning giant television comercial screens. As I walked the whole Downtown Disney area it was a tourist trap every where you looked there was a place to spend your money. They only had one small free animal show atraction that was kind of like a San Diego Zoo Aviary show that had beautiful exotic tropical birds doing tricks,and it took my mind off of spending money. As I meandered back into the Expo I felt like a kid in a candy store everywhere you looked there were large drug, board and care homes and hospital Corporations displaying there logos and giving away free stuff. Not their "psychotropic"-drugs though.. it was a circus for the preservation of good and positive mental health, whos' I'm not really quite sure to be exact. No rational explanation can be given for over kill of commercial exploitation.

I got to hand it though to the people that put on these expos' They really treat everyone with the utmost respect and gracious hospitality. Journalism and camera crew covered the media too. Everyone was overwelmed by the crowd 670 people were in attendance 250 were consumers. The workshops were administered like judicial council all speakers were raised up on a judges like stand as they anounced there speaches on different mental strategies for consumers abroad. Topics like understanding the Social Security System for the benefits of a consumer who's working and how it affects disability benefits was one of the many workshops going on given by a guest speaker that came to our place one friday. As lunch time apeared we were treated to overhead chandeliers elegant white linen tables and silverware with glass blowned drinking glasses. The first course was a Cesaer Salad with pickled artichokes and croutons,main course was roasted Teriaki Chicken Breast with Wild Rice with stir fry vegetables,dessert was fresh Berries and Cream in a wine goblet.

As Dessert was being served Mariette Heartly a talented television star actress spoke about her scary skeletons in the closet. Her families emotional dark troubled past. Growing up in an alcoholic family she felt the strains of emotional family disfunction and was scarred for life as she watched with adolecent travesty eyes as her father slipped into the depths of a mental break down and finally into a suicidal solution as he took his own life. She intailed with every grousome detail as she relived it with her audience as if we should have been there that frightning and tradgic dooms day. She herself had also had overwelming suicidal tendencies, yet overcame her afflicted sickness for life through modern behavioral therapiutic council and proper medications that saved here life and actually gave back to her what she had lost. With a now new happy lease on a life now worth living, she has started the National Alliance For Suicide Prevention and makes appeareances when needed most. To give suport to those that are going through the same downward-spiral of suicide or to consumers that had family members that took their own lives.

The 7th. annual "Meeting of the Minds" was a great success as well as an ever growing in popularity amoung the mental health provider communities. We congratulate all that attended and to those that helped in any way to put on this expo. And to the proffesionals that devote service to the mental health communities. finally to all consumers for accepting guidance from mental health proffesionals and making positive choices back into mainstream society. Love and caring makes this beautiful world go round. "Fulfilling the Promise" As one community best fits this years grand exposition. Also to Disney for letting us have the expo at there beautiful hotel. Mickey Mouse was watching everyone by the way.

Multi-Cultural Conference 2001

This event is for general knowledge of all ethnic nationalities who are consumers and to make the public aware of the diverse skills that the mental health proffesionals can contribute to their communties. Recognized as ethnic unity and work related involvement. General awareness of community service projects envolving consumer partisipation,stimulating positive emotional growth for the community and those who are mentally challeged with different service related obsticles. This conference will have guests from related mental health services for training purposes. August 10,2001 Friday 8-5pm. At the Prominant Irvine Hyatt Regency

(Journal Report)This years 1st. Multi-cultural Conference was the first step in the right direction. Targeting Behavioral Health information and services for the surounding communities abroad. Pacific Clinics & College Health were major sponsers and the founders in a joint effort pulled resorces to fund this event. Working also with Multi-Ethnic Behavioral Health Services Tast Force of Orange County. Together they service community outreach programs concerning domestic violence and quality health coverage for those in need. They metioned of the 4 million dollars that was granted from the Tobacco Tax Reform inituitive and how it was used to finance County of Orange jobs educational programs for community growth and health care. One Health Care Professional Heat Chheng Leao a Cambodian Refugee was awarded and given a Proclomation for many partisipations with various asian cultural behavioural programs. This was and extra interesting conference. We were treated to Korean Drum Dancers that reminded me of the Mulan Parade at Disneyland that they need to bring back. Also Vietnamese sparkle dressed dancers with flower petal earns and paper parasols and finished with a version of jump rope using two long bamboo poles one wrong step and ouch,spranged ankles. They had the usual advertizements and free give aways from drug and health care organizations. I must've given the wrong impression from the last expo report that it was obscene to promote with predjudice by exploiting with comercialism however this kind of propaganda is deemed good business practice and is good to let consumers know what good they do for the community. Which in turn lets us know that they are here to help us and not take advantage of us. And they are not misappropriating funds to send people to extravagant places and writing it off as a business exspence. But are instead servicing those in under privaledged communities who need the basics of life necessities itself,food,shelter and clothing, and aid with education and functioning skills,and giving those a chance to have proper health care no matter what race.

We here at Friendship House thankfully acknowledge the efforts of all the hard working teams that service Orange County with behavioral health programs, and brought to our attention of the many new mental health services that are now available to the communities abroad.

And most of all we graciously thank George W. Bush President of the United States of America and all his Joint Chiefs of Staff members in Congress for signing and applying the Tobacco Tax Reform Bill. He listened to the peoples votes on the November ballot and created new jobs for the County of Orange and this Souverign Nation. "God Bless America" it truly is "The Land of Greater Oppertunity".

Friendship House Schedule

~"Dates" and "Times" are subject to change for Availability~Some Events Re-Occure throughout the entire years

Disneyland Happy Hearts May 15-Fall Session 10/27-11/17Wed through Sat.10-8pm., J.P.Getty Museum Sat.5/20.Laguna Beach Sawdust Festval 7/01 Friends of the O.C. Fair 7/17/2001Tue.San Diego ZOO October "Founders'Day" ~FREE ADMISSION~ to all. Oct.30,2000 Mon.NASA Space Lab.Tour in Pasadena we will blast off for this tour at 10:45am. 11/16/01,Fri.12:30pm. Thanksgiving Harvest Festival / Newport Beach Fashion Island Luncheon/Rogers Gardens 12/11/01Mon. 12/21/01 Fri.Noon\Holiday Potluck~Bring an entree, Dessert or your favorite beverage holiday music and friendshipping 3-16-2001 Fri. International Food Fair Mt.Baldy "A Snow Day" SAT.3/17/01 Hobby City Mon.3/26/01/ Olivera St.4/28 Sat. Disneyland 4/30 mon. "Beach Day" Outing Picnic May 19,Sat.10am. Annual 2001 Acheivements Award Night Ceremony May 23,2001 Wed/7-9:30pm./Wild Animal Park 5/9/01\"Fun" In the Sun" Picnic"Talent Show" 6/23 SAT. Friendship House Bunk House BBQ's Fri.7/13,7/27,8/31st. Orange County Fair 7/17/01 Tue. 8-12pm. San Diego Deer Park Car Show & Gardens 7/21/SAT.10am. Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival of the Arts 8/01 Narsad Art Gallery 9/08/01 San Juan Capostrano 9/24/01 La Brea Tar pits Downtown Hollywood 01/19/02

International Food Fair 2001

Join us as we celebrate the many flamboyant dishes from around the world. If you would like to see the world get a little taste of it here first. "And be as happy as a clam,not shut in but out of your shell"

2001 `Annual`"BIG STARZ" ~`Acheivement "Awards" Night ~Ceremony`~

Join us we honor a night of humble gratitude to those that patronize and give service to Friendship House Clubhouse. Ceremonial Members Awards,Special Guest Speakers and Great Food & Live Music. Open Invitational Date: "Wednesday Night" May 23,2001 7pm.-9:30pm.

San Diego Wild Animal park

Go on expedition with us and explore various wild animal species of African,South America and China with us. Some endangered animals can only be viewed at this exclusive park. By now the emergency animal care unit for injured or maternal animal mothers should be open for our scientific couriosity. Each year Founders Day dedicates a week where admission is FREE. May 9,2001 San Diego Wild Animal Park celebrates the 8th annual "Butterflies & Orchids," an event to mark the Wild Animal Park's celebration of spring.


Join us for an art exibit in Laguna Beach,California. This marks the anniversary for over 300 artists and master craftsmen alike as they display seaside art.August 27,2001 Monday, departing at noon.

(JOURNAL REPORT>This year at the festival we saw they had extended construction. A new futuristicly designed museum and expositioning Center where Music and Art go hand in hand. Many Concert dates were displayed concerning contempory jazz esambles,modern folk rock and many other venues. As we entered into the fair entrance we were propelled back into a time in an erea of psychadelic ambience. Essence of Sandlwood purfumed the air. Bright colors and Gen-X curving shapes and angles, too vivid for the normal imagination to comprehend. You could sence a feeling of pure relaxation and a hightened artistic sensory stimulation. Causing everyone to be delighted. This year there were many more hands on art workshops to try your own artistic abillities. As we meandered around we were pleased to see that they extended the waterfall garden, new very beautiful babbling falls and tropical plants were added. We saw a group of musicians getting ready to set up,as we talked to them they said that they played contempory folk "rock". As we listened though we were deeply disapointed as too the style. Too slow for rock. Some said that they needed to pick up the tempo and that it lacked any real lustre, we all lost interest and were soon distracted by adventuring from booth to booth again. Something really disturbing this year was an Iron-Gothic horror exibit that brought about feelings of pain and misery,how cool to see how the artist displayed there own mental pain,agony and life suffering into artistic reality. How they got approved from the sawdust commitee was a surprise from the normal sea and ocean schemes. What really caught my attention was the "Magical Mushrooms" exibits they were conveying the "Psychadelic Mushroom" (psylicibin),with brightly colored mind altering appeal. That only a mind expansion "Neuro-Naut" could've apreaciated. This was the 2nd. annual trip for the clubhouse. We graciously thank the SAWDUST FESTIVAL for anouther free day at the festival. Keeping in mind the beauty of art for mentaly ill consumers. Join us next time for a bizzar look at art performed through the eyes of those with schizophrenia and depression. At "NARSAD" National,Alliance for Research for Schizophrenia & Depression.

Friendship House Holiday Luncheon

Come one,come all on friday the December 21,2001 at "Happy" Noon.We will be serving Holiday Ham you bring your favorite side dish,dessert or beverage. If you can't bring anything a small donation is graciously appeciated.

Fall Harvest Festival Proclomation 2001

Join us for the Mother of all Turkeys' Day November 16 Friday Noon day sun "Here Ye"Here Ye, be thou nourished, tis noble in the mind and body and thou art joyous in heart, will fill your freindship house with good drink,food and joyous laughter and fun. All enter nigh, bring thou art favorite side dish forth with, for thy community tasting. Music by lute Squires and flute accompanyment to bringeth thou art sacred Merry Mulberry Bush Dancing.

Just some common sence,if you plan right a value minded consumer can cater a Thanksgiving feast for everyone by shopping and looking for bargain deals. Right now Super K-mart in Aliso Viejo has turkey for .59cents a lb. the brand is exceptional and the quality is grade-A. Try cooking it in a bag and it will be moist and juicy and fall right off the bone.

Christmas Holiday Dinner Presented by "Friends of Friends" in conjunction with M.H.A., A.M.I, N.A.M.I, C.H.I.P.A.O.C.Charter Hospital and Pacific Clinics

DEC.5, 2000 "Tuesday Afternoon". Free to all consumers. Make plans to attend this glourious holiday banquet,lots of delicious food,cheerful friends,holiday singing and free gifts. I here Santa Clause will be there. A friendship dance after meal. As you noticed the date changed. Final location picked Garden Grove Meeting Center.

{JOURNAL REPORT} Well it was anouther well orchestrated affaire. The holiday decorations included a 30 ft.chrismas tree with all the Christmas ornament splendor and colored lights that one only dreams about accept this was real. Proffesional catering service was done by qualified accredited international chefs that had culinary appetites graciously satisfied by a delicious mouth-watering meal, the joyous event ran from 4-7pm. What made this holiday event extra special is how Friends of Friends got many more sponsors this year. We would like to show our gratitude at Friendship House for all the superb donations. And to the "Holiday Staff" On duty to serve everyone. Live music that was performed brought about a more Christmas festive atmosphere as we danced to Holiday live music performed by "Santas Elves", cute people decked out in Christmas attire. We especially want to thank Nanette Z.and Geralyn for masterminding the whole affaire that more than 800 consumers enjoyed.

Friends of Friends Chistmas Gala Banquet 2001

December 7 Friday 4-8pm. At the same location Garden Grove Community Center 11300 Stanford Avenue in Garden Grove. Corner of Euclid/Stanford Ave. Down the street from OCTD building(714)741-5262 Live entertainment free dinner for all mental health consumers,gifts and dancing to follow banquet. HO,HO,HO,"Yes youv'e all been good boys & girls this year Santa said". it's true we dream of "Sugar Plum Fairies" the tree all aglow and neatly wrapped presents abound. Once again out of charitable donations from Jenssen Pharmaceuticals and other major funding from organizations who will donatate graciously from the heart to fund this event,if you would like to donate to this event contact Geralyn Sperber(714)493-6354 we humbly congratulate Loralie and her team of health care profesionals from Jenssen for also making it possible this year to have the banquet for the mental health consumers in Orange County bringing joy and happiness to all that will attend this "Joyous Christmas Season".~PEACE~

(JOURNAL REPORT)It was the biggest event of all times this year. Around a thousand people showed up this year. Because so many people showed up and not enough sponsership the party just wasn't the same. Yet not one consumer complained. Everyone still had a great time the live entertainment got more this year on the dance floor. Even the staff felt the good vibrations from the holiday music. As many as their were every consumer was fed a good hot delicious turkey dinner and given a gift bag full of christmas treasure. MHA donated christmas cookies for everyone to enjoy. We thank all those that volunteered service tonight to make this a happy holiday event for all the consumers that attended. See all of you at next years 2002 june picnic. If you care to sponsor or donate for the june 2002 picnic contact Geralyn Sperber(714)493-6354

2002 Rose Parade

Mark your calendars January 2nd.Wed. For a fun filled day observing the many colorful and fragrant floats that we will visit on display in the year 2002. Visit Home & Garden Channel site in our "Favorite Sites List" See live webcams set up where floats are being built. Last year some of us got to help set up a float how neat.

Things Happening Around Beautiful Orange County

Sat.March 24th. Swallows Day Parade March 9,10,16,17 Dana Point Festival of the Whales*May Wild Animal Park in San Diego FREE in observance of "/Wild Animal Preservation Day"5/9 Downtown Huntington Beach Main st.Parade July 4th. Aug.Fri.31-Sept.2nd.Sun. Labor Day Orange Circle International Street Fair. BIG LABOR DAY BLOCK PARTY,FOOD\DRINK "LIVE" Entertainment and Antique Bazarre. Going on till Sunday night from 10:00am.-10:00pm. San Diego ZOO October"Founders Day" ~FREE ADMISSION~ to all. "Magic Mountain "Fright!" Fest"in October. Spring (Whale Watching Season)Dana Point Harbor/Balboa Pier. December. "Noel Christmas Boat Parade"~ Join us to see the yachts cruise in holiday splendor around the harbor quite possibly we might cruise on one of the yachts. Or take the harbor tour, come to community meeting on friday at 12:30pm. Have a hot lunch for $1.50 and give your opinion.

*"SHIP AHOY!"Dana Point Habor Festival of the Whales 2002`~

March 9,10,16,17 Each year the sleepy sea side town of South Orange County Dana Point California hosts a Spring time Whale Festival. Artisans display there crafts as well as buyable nautical artifacts for the private colector. Food and music, row boat races and a walk & 10K run planned.

San Juan Capistrano"Swallows Day Parade"

Each spring the swallows migrate up from the tropics to nest at there birth home at the San Juan Capistrano Mission Gardens. Located in bountiful South Orange County the locals every year have a festival and parade to commemerate the return of the whimsical birds. Seeing the swallows in flight brings about a prestigious feeling of excitement. There grace,beauty and speed are unparalled to only those birds that are built for speed upwards of 90 mph.in flight. Join the celebration on SAT.March 24,2002

German Octoberfest "Old World Village"

Located in Huntington Beach Ca,Turn of the century German Old World Shops,Inns,Taverns and Restaurants you can even get married in the towns' "Old World" German Community Chapel or at least sign the towns guest book.(714) 893-7077 All year long celebration. Directions 405 frwy. North. Exit Beach Blvd. North. Turn left on Mcfadden Ave. "OLD WORLD Village" On the right side. Call for special activities or parties call(714) 898-3033 Their address 7561 Center Ave. Huntington Beach,California. For directions from your location. Go to "Our Favorite Sites List" and click on "NEED DIRECTIONS" type in your "ADDRESS" and "DESTINATION" and you can get turn by turn mapped directions.

Reach For Higher Ground

Continuing educational free workshops to enhance your busy lifestyle. We offer ~FREE~ educational workshops that have been created with you in mind in Central Orange County. Work torwards your General Education Diploma or find a job. The classes are one,two hours in length and are held at 1725 West 17th St.#149B County of Orange Health Care Agency Santa Ana California. PH.(714) 834-7926 for times of workshops. You will receive a ~FREE~ $10.00 food voucher for each workshop you attend. Such workshops as High Risk Reduction,Goal Setting,Nutrition,Money Management,Sexual Health,Time Mangement,Basic Computer Skills and SSI/SSDI/MediCal/IMS Issues. The Reach For Higher Ground Program is now implimented for your educational enhancement.

We really hope you enjoyed your stay with us, come visit anytime and enjoy our Favorite Sites List.

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Check out our Friendship House Clubhouse Activity Schedule Site

Here we will keep you up to date on invitations to

"Big Friendship House Clubhouse" style events.

Thanks Everyone,
Friendship House Clubhouse Productions(c)2002

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